Dare Queen

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“Ok, so, either I’m gonna fall asleep or we’re gonna have to do something else,” Camila says from where’s she’s halfway sprawled across Dinah on the couch.

Normani shoots her a stinky-eye from the floor. “Shut up. We always watch all your sappy romantic movies.”

“Yeah,” Ally chimes in, she always agrees with Normani and at this point, Camila is 99% sure she’s in love with her or something. She’s always giving her these big, ridiculous heart-eyes, like she’s doing right now. “Let’s watch Mani’s movie.”

Thanks, Ally,” Normani says and Ally fucking beams.

“I sort of agree with Mila,” Dinah says around a mouthful of potato chips and reaches for the remote but Normani aggressively smacks her hand away.

“You guys fucking sucks,” Normani groans.

“Let’s do something else,” Camila whines and sits up sharply, accidently hitting Dinah’s boob with her elbow.

“Ouch!” Dinah exclaims and sends Camila sprawling on the floor.

Camila winces and is about to curse at Dinah but then she catches Normani on her phone.

“You aren’t even watching!” she accuses. “You’re on your phone half the time!”

“Texting that fuckboy again?” Dinah sneers disapprovingly and smacks Normani in the back of the head with a pillow. “You that hungry for dick?”

“Dinah!” Normani screeches annoyed and grabs the pillow and attacks Dinah with it. Dinah laughs loudly as she tries to dodge and she’s always down for a good pillow fight, so she grabs her own pillow.

Camila watches them with mild interest as they chase each other around the living room. She has no interest in joining, because Normani and Dinah takes pillow fights way too seriously and last Camila engaged, she nearly ended up in the hospital.

Ally cheers for Normani and Dinah hits her so hard with a pillow that she topples over. Then, of course Ally has to defend herself and her and Normani gang up on Dinah—Dinah screams about unfairness and cowardice and screams at Camila to back her up but Camila ignores her so Dinah screams about bloody betrayal.

Once they’ve finally exhausted themselves and are in a puppy pile, Camila rolls onto her feet.

“Alright, girls,” she says, “Let’s find something fun to do.”

“Like what?” Normani groans under the weight of Ally; Camila silently sympathizes, because as tiny as Ally is, she weighs a fuckton.

Before Camila can reply, Dinah replies from the bottom of the pile.

“Truth and dare!”

Ally begins to protest but shuts up immediately when Normani shrugs and says ‘sure’—then she’s suddenly in as well. Dumb in love.

They sit around in a circle in the middle of the room and the game starts out a little slow. Though it quickly turns out heated when Dinah dares Normani to dirty-talk to Aaron and get him worked up before cutting him off—which is funny and gross at the same time—and then Ally is nearly in tears when she has to do suck on Dinah’s big toe, Camila performs a hilarious strip tease to the beat of ‘I’m bringing sexy back’ that sends them laughing hysterically and Dinah walks outside in her underwear much to the delight of her pervy neighbor.

“Truth or dare, Mila?” Dinah asks when it’s Camila’s turn again and Camila groans because Dinah is positively evil, but the thing is, Camila considers herself the dare queen—at least in their group of friends—and she’s fucking shameless so she never backs down from a dare.

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