Beauty and the Geek

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“Fuck!” Lauren angrily spat out under her breath; she was so close to saving Princess Peach but, of course, Bowser had to come back alive out of fucking nowhere. She debated on whether or not to angrily close her DS, but Lauren Jauregui was not a quitter, Lauren Jauregui was going to save the princess. She pressed the start button and began to quickly move through the castle level, so engrossed in the game that she was not paying any attention to her surroundings, even though she is supposed to be working.

Camila had just spent five minutes circling this damn bookstore for her textbooks needed for her classes and only successfully found one. She was a transfer student so, in all fairness, she had never been to this college’s bookstore, but it was getting her irritated that it was taking so long to find what she needed. She walked up to the counter where she saw a girl with jet black hair playing on a DS; she cleared her throat in hopes to get her attention. It didn’t work, the girl kept on playing, completely oblivious to her. “Excuse me,” she politely said, but became agitated when she still was being ignored, she harshly tapped on the counter as she raised her voice, “EXCUSE ME!”

Lauren jumped at the sudden voice, causing her mario to die; she huffed in annoyance, this was such a long level and now she had to do it all over again. “What?” She replied, clearly annoyed. When she finally looked up to meet Camila’s scowling face, she was taken back by Camila’s beauty, causing her to nervously gulp. She quickly regretted saying that and tried to backtrack, “Uhm-uh, I mean, ho-how may I help you?” Lauren wanted to facepalm at how bad her stutter was, the girl’s perfect brown eyes boring into her were certainly not helping.

Camila raised her eyebrow, surprised at Lauren’s quick change of mood, “I need some help finding some textbooks.”

Lauren nodded as she got up to click the desktop that was on the counter out of sleep mode, she pushed her big framed glasses up whilst she avoided eye contact with Camila. “Just, uhm, tell me the name of the book and I’ll, uh, look it up a-and see if we have it in inventory,” Lauren let out small breath out after she said that, feeling heat rush quickly to her face. She was bad with communicating with people in general, but even worse when it came to pretty girls.

“Oh, okay,” Camila calmly replied, getting out the paper that had a list of the textbooks she needed. She began to one by one read off the list to Lauren, whose hands were noticeably shaking as she typed the names on the computer. Lauren tried to mentally tell her hands to stop, but since when does that work? It was like Lauren trying to tell her heart to stop beating so loud and for her cheeks to cool down just a little bit.

After Lauren located all the textbooks, she went and retrieved them for Camila, “Is that all?” Lauren said in what came out as a mumble but Camila still heard her.

“Yea,” Camila replied, she had a clear amused smile since she quickly noticed how nervous Lauren was around her.

Lauren rung up the books, seeing the price be a whopping three hundred and thirty dollars; she wasn’t about to let the nice, pretty girl pay three hundred and thirty dollars for books she’ll probably never use again (maybe, not even open). “Uhm,” she nervously typed in something in her computer, “That’ll be one hundred and thirty dollars,” she said as she started to put the textbooks in a bag.

“Oh, wow, really?” Camila asked in surprise, the textbooks didn’t have the price on it but she was sure it would cost more than that for three of them. “I have to come here more often,” she said with a friendly smile.

Lauren bit her lip and shyly smiled back, she replied, “I-I hope you do come back,” causing Camila to giggle. Lauren blushed, why does she always have to embarrass herself? “Well, uhm, you’re all set, sorry our receipt machine isn’t exactly working, bu-but we can email you an electronic one if you’d like,” she said, in order to cover up her tiny lie about the price, secretly hoping Camila wouldn’t want the electronic one or else that’d be more work on her part.

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