Give Me Love *

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*Sexual Content*

“Come on guys, don’t let me down like this. Are you sure no one knows what ‘caricia’ means? We’ve been reading this book for two weeks!” Sounding mildly annoyed, Lauren couldn’t help the amused smile that appeared on her face as her eyes skimmed over the confused faces of her students. A soft murmur of doubt started resonating inside the classroom, and the woman closed the book around her finger, crossing her arms challengingly.

Not even two seconds after, a timid hand was raised. Lauren moved her eyebrows appreciatively, and she felt a shiver run down her spine when the owner of the hand licked her lips tentatively.

“Caress.” The velvety voice ran straight into her subconscious, etching itself permanently there like a crack in a stone.

Caress. ‘A gesture expressing affection, as an embrace or kiss. Specially a light stroking or touching.’

Such a lovely word.

 Its suggestiveness caught her off guard for a second, because she had definitely not thought about how sinfully good that word would sound coming from those familiar, plump lips. And she would have felt the slightest bit bad for getting her mind in the gutter had not been for the sly glint she swore she saw in those brown eyes for a second.

Instantly, a wave of desire took over her, and as much as she hated to admit it, she wished there was no one else in that classroom. Only her and Camila in that deliciously short plaid skirt, which could oh so easily be pushed up around her waist, just enough for Lauren’s fingers to be right there, and if she pushed it even further she could see-

“That’s right, Señorita Cabello. Excellent, as always.” Smiling at her teacher’s words, Camila accepted the praise silently, bowing her head down shyly. And there it was, the lip-wetting again.

Fuck. She’s doing it on purpose.

Lauren was pretty sure she would never get used to the feeling seeing Camila act so painfully adorable – and subconsciously attractive – gave her. She just wanted to wrap her in her arms like she was her most precious possession and never let go. It’s not like she had never done that before, anyways.

  Sighing internally, Lauren blinked a few times and averted her eyes. She was in class, after all.

She was in the process of signaling another challenging-looking word when she heard someone whisper something dangerously similar to ‘there goes the Mexican garbage again’.

The whole class heard it, and in no time an obnoxious roar of laughter rose up, drowning the faint sound of a mower in the distance for the first time that day.

Her eyes instantly flew to Camila, who had shrunk visibly into her seat. Her head was downwards once again, but no sign of shyness or coyness was present there. Just embarrassment.

Lauren’s features hardened immediately, and in the next minute Matthew Wilde – the asshole’s name – had already been sent to Mr. Cowell’s office, the fire leaving Lauren’s eyes intimidating the poor soul more than the prospect of detention.

“I feel like there might have been a misunderstanding.” Lauren’s voice was ice cold, and her green eyes were traveling like daggers through those of her students. “Some of you seem not to have grasped the concept of respectyou were supposedly taught in kindergarten, and I will not, under any circumstances, tolerate this ridiculous behavior again. I informed you of my laid back methods at the beginning of this year, but if you keep on breaking the equality pact you made when you entered this place, I won’t hesitate to break mine of not making your lives a tad bit harder than any of you would be able to stand.”

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