Bad Grade *

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*Sexual Content*


Lauren picked up her head from her computer and looked toward the door, only to be met with the angry glare of her student; Camila, the school’s smarty pants, valedictorian, class president and … her girlfriend.

Ok, yes, it was wrong to have feelings for one of your students, but Lauren couldn’t help it and neither could Camila. Plus, Lauren was young, she couldn’t help the fact that she took her studies serious and graduated before any of her peers. Also they technically didn’t officiate a relationship until Camila was eighteen, it was still wrong (and illegal), but not as wrong. But they still kept it very secretive, how could they not? One slip-up and everything would be ruined and that couldn’t happen, there was no way in hell they were going to lose eachother.  

“Hey babe,” Lauren said with a smile.

Camila rolled her eyes and proceeded to barge further into the classroom. She stopped, hovering over the center of Lauren’s desk. Lauren could tell she was angry, her beautiful brown eyes, which were usually bright and sparkling with the sun, were a shade darker. Camila had her pink lips pursed, her hand on her hip as she tapped her foot and her perfectly arched eyebrows, creased while her eye did the slightest of twitches.

“Don’t you ‘Hey babe’ me,” Oh, Camila was mad at her. Lauren sat back in her seat, awaiting the cute little rant Camila always gave when she was upset. “Lauren, what the hell is this?” Camila said slamming a stapled stack of papers down on the desk.

Lauren looked down briefly, furrowing her eyebrows before looking back up at Camila who had her arms crossed over her chest and a pout on her lips, resembling a child at the start of a tantrum.

“Um, your essay?” Lauren questioned taking a bite of the sandwich from the lunch Camila had packed for her.

Camila unfolded her arms to put her finger on the big red mark on top of the paper. “No- I mean yes- yes and no- but I meant this,”

Lauren followed Camila’s pointed finger. “Oh, that’s your grade,” she said finishing the last bit of her sandwich, Lauren wiped her hands and resumed her work on the computer.

Camila huffed and rolled her eyes, Lauren obviously couldn’t see how upset she was, or she did know but chose to ignore her. God, she could be such an ass sometimes. Camila let out an irritated groan before stomping over and squeezing herself in between Lauren and the computer. The young teacher’s green eyes traveled up, meeting with a still pouting Camila holding the graded essay in front of her face.

“You gave me a B+, really?” Lauren quirked an eyebrow at the younger girl before nodding slowly, she had to be careful with her words and actions, times like this, any little thing would set Camila off. “I worked my ass off all night for a B+?”

“Well, Maybe you shouldn’t have waited until last minute to do it,” Lauren said, toying with the rips in Camila’s jeans. The younger girl scoffed and swatted her girlfriend’s hand away.

“If I recall correctly, I do remember wanting to do my essay, but you kept me shacked up in your apartment all weekend. And when I tried to do it there, you wouldn’t let me because you couldn’t keep it in your pants for an hour.”  

“I didn’t hear you complaining,” Lauren smirked up at the younger girl, only to have Camila slap her arm rather painfully, “Ouch! And you still had time to do it before then, I gave you three weeks prior,” Lauren said rubbing her arm, Camila let out a defeated huff and hung her head low. Lauren sighed gave her girlfriend a sympathetic smile and stroked her thighs gently. “Baby, it’s fine. It’s not even a bad grade, it didn’t bring your overall grade down. You still have over an A in my class.”

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