Crash *

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*Sexual Content*

Camila’s POV:

Groaning audibly I flopped stomach first onto the lumpy mattress of my twin sized bed. The rusted springs of the old futon i had purchased from a couple in their 60’s on craigslist creaking loudly as i adjusted my fatigued limbs into the most comfortable position i could achieve. Reaching down I unbutton my jeans and messily force them towards my ankles before flinging them with one foot to an absent corner of the room, leaving me in the 1975 shirt i had decided on this morning. I was too tired to care. Being a broke college student means you have to make sacrifices which include (but are not limited to) leaving the normality and comfortable sleeping arrangements of the home you grew up in, working a shitty job in the campus library to afford to pay rent, eating nothing but cereal and spending your nights studying until the early morning while your room-mate and best friend is at a party probably consuming her body weight in alcohol.

I forced my face into the pillow and allowed myself to relax, almost falling unconscious until i heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. Anyone else would be concerned in this situation however i knew it was probably just Dinah’s extraordinarily drunk ass returning home from the party. But why was she coming in through the damn kitchen window ?

Exasperated I heaved myself off my bed and wondered to the kitchen. “Please do not tell me you’ve lost your keys Dinah this is the third damn time-” I said turning the lights on and halting in my tracks when i realised, the person who just fell through my kitchen window isn’t Dinah… But she does look really drunk. Jesus Christ

I stare at the stranger sitting slumped against a cupboard on my kitchen floor before she lifts her head letting it fall against the hard wood and roll slightly from side to side. Her glassy green eyes widen in response to seeing me and she speaks up “Oh! Hi you’re Dinah’s room-mate!” her words are slightly slurred and incredibly over excited while she attempts to push herself off the floor, failing and falling slightly on her side. My immediate response is to rush over to her and help her sit upright again “don’t try and move you’ll end up hurting yourself” I spoke sternly not wanting the drunken girl to injure herself under my watch. Wait why is she even under my watch, what is she doing here. “uhm i don’t mean to be rude but who are you and.. why are you here” i question the girl and it takes her a minute to start speaking again “Dinah said i could crash at your place” she slurred matter-of-factly “why can’t you just .. sleep at your own place” i questioned again “becauuuse” she began dragging the word out “my room-mate wont let me in. She said after last weekend i’m not allowed in the house when i drunk” “what happened last weekend?” i asked “I threw up in her bed and passed out on the floor” she giggled like a child and i couldn’t help but chuckle myself. College students, they’re all the same.

I stood up and headed to the sink, getting a glass of water before reaching for the fridge handle and retrieving a few slices of bread. She needed something to soak up all that alcohol. I turned back to face the girl and noticed her staring blatantly at my lower half, her dehydrated lower lip caught between her teeth. My own eyes travelled down my body and oh shit, im not wearing any pants. I choose to ignore the fact that im considerably uncovered in front of a stranger concluding that she probably wont remember any of this when she wakes up.

I get on my knees in front of her so im now at eye level and hand over the bread and glass of water “whats this for” her eyebrows knit together as she looks at me head on. I dont answer because i’m slightly caught off guard by the girl. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of green and her lips, although dehydrated are definitely on the plumper side. She’s attractive, like seriously attractive. Why have i never seen her before?

“The bread will help to soak up the alcohol and the water will help make sure you aren’t seriously hungover tomorrow” “oh, don’t worry i sober up quickly and i never get hungover i promise!” she spoke the end part like a child “well sorry miss im-immune-to-the-side-effects-of-alcohol i don’t believe you, so eat this and drink that” i said pointing to the mentioned items. She started giggling adorably as she brought a slice of bread up to her lips and took a bite “you say a lot of words” she spoke through a mouth full of bread and i couldn’t help but smile at the childlike drunk girl on my floor “I sure do”

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