Blind Devotion

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Camila’s POV

My eyes flutter open as the sunlight peeks in our room. I can hear snoring. Lauren’s in particular. I roll my eyes and propped myself to inspect her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful and so, so beautiful. I find myself smiling at her. I love my wife. I love her even if her snoring wakes me up every morning. So I’ll scare her awake. I moved closer to her and poked her sides.

“Wake up!” I exclaimed.

“Ahhh!” she jolted awake and shot me a pointed look.

It’s my daily revenge.

She never was a morning person but somehow her grumpiness would always wear off after she sees my smile.

“Rgggggh.” Lauren picks up a pillow and starts smacking me with it. I giggled then raised my hands to block it. She abandons the pillow and start tickling me endlessly. I squirm under her touch. She straddles me to keep me from escaping.

“Say sorry.” She rasped. Her morning voice was always sexy to me. I laughed and shook my head. She kept tickling me until my stomach ached.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled through my fits of laughter.

“I don’t hear you!” She teased digging her fingers onto my sides.

“OKAY! Okay. Stop. I’m sorry.” I gripped her wrists to stop her actions. My chest was heaving heavily as I tried to catch my breath. I locked eyes with my wife and flashed her a toothy grin before a new round of laughter escaped my lips. She scrunched her nose and picked up a pillow near by and threw it on my face.

“You’re an asshole. I can’t go back to sleep now that you woke me up.” She groaned and fell back to the bed next to me. I bit my cheek to suppress a giggle from tumbling off my mouth and turned my face towards her. I grabbed the pillow that she had throw at me and smacked her in the face.



I love her and that is why I am in the kitchen cooking her favorite breakfast. The Food Network says you should only put one item in your eggs. But Lauren likes everything in them because that’s how her mom made them. She calls it eggs with everything. I call it gross. But that’s how she loves them. So now I have mushrooms, red and green peppers, tomatoes, onions, and bacon all chopped and ready. I pour them into the bowl with 4 eggs and mix them all together before emptying the contents to the pan beside me.

“Hey.” Lauren walks in her work attire, fixing the collar of her dress shirt.  

“Morning.” I uttered, lifting my eyes to scan my wife’s body. Damn. She walked around the island towards me and looked over my shoulder. “I added something special in them this morning.”

“Mmm. My favorite. It’s so good!” She moaned. She placed a kiss on my exposed shoulder and another on the nape of my neck. “Thank you. It smells so 3good.”

“Aw thanks.” I stirred and scrambled the eggs while I watched her open the fridge to take out the carton of milk. Lauren placed it on the counter top and moved behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and rested her chin on my shoulder. I could feel her breath hit my neck, sending me chills. Her eyes solely focused on the eggs I was scrambling. I slightly turned my head to face her and she did the same leaving a small gap between us. She wrinkled her nose and smiled then closed the space.

“I love you.” She mumbled in the kiss.


Lauren is finishing her breakfast while I made my way down to the basement to do laundry. I do all the laundry because my mom told me that a person with dirty clothes is a person that is not loved by their wife. Yeah I know that its old fashion but now all her whites are always white and all her coworkers will know that she is loved. She always promises to do it next time but I’ll never let her. I had my earphones plugged in my ears with Ed Sheeran streaming as I separate the whites from the colors. The music made it seemed less of a chore but rather a fun exercise.

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