Camren Halloween *

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*Sexual Content*

Camila shifted her weight on her hands and knees, trying not to draw too much attention to herself in the position she was in. Her tight leather dress was bunching up at the junction of her thighs and exposing far too much of her ass, but she knew that was considered a positive for this moment. Although, she had to admit that she wasn’t quite expecting her Halloween night to turn out like this, yet she couldn’t fully complain–curiosity killed the cat, after all.

“You’re blushing…”

Camila closed her eyes in embarrassment over the statement, feeling her cheeks burn even more now that she knew she wasn’t concealing it well. “I’m nervous,” she muttered through her teeth, trying to clear her throat so that her words were louder than a whisper.

“You look pretty excited from back here.”

There was a brief slap on her ass, followed by her surprised squeak. She bit at her bottom lip and felt fingertips slightly graze up her spine, tracing up the long zipper on the back of her dress until they touched on the exposed portion of her upper back and neck. The sound of heeled boots were reverberating on the wooden floors of the bedroom, moving slowly and precisely as they continued circling around Camila, stopping suddenly in front of her line of vision.

She looked up and saw the iridescent pair of green eyes that she loved, the thick lashes blocking part of their misty color in the dim lighting of the room. Lauren knelt down until she was at eye level with Camila, lifting her hand to cradle the younger girl’s jaw and smile coyly at her. “You look so adorable when you blush,” she whispered between them, reverent in her tone as her fingers began to absently stroke Camila’s skin.

This caused the second girl to look away and shift herself once more, restricted in movement both from being on her hands and knees, and from how much her dress would ride up if she so much as breathed. “You’re not helping,” she stuttered, still beside herself with nerves.

Lauren’s smile only broadened, her hazy-green eyes darkening as she reached down for the chain that she’d attached to Camila’s cat collar. She tugged on it slightly and pulled Camila closer, taking a moment to glance over her features: the dark brown eyes that were growing with both excitement and impatience; the long lashes that those beautiful eyes were hidden under; her full, rosy lips that were only a few shades lighter than her cheeks were becoming; and the cute, whimsical cat whiskers and nose that had been etched on in black mascara. The costume had become far sexier than Camila ever intended–or at least it did for Lauren, who had planned to seduce the kitten with her vampire costume–and, admittedly, the older girl had trouble keeping away from her throughout the night.

“Does my pussy want to be played with?” Lauren asked as innocently as she could, raising her eyebrow and smirking when she saw Camila shiver at the question. Lauren nudged forward and slipped her tongue out, brushing it along the outline of Camila’s pouty lips in a single, slow motion that caused the younger girl’s breath to hitch.

Camila had closed her eyes at this sudden action, but once she felt the tingling coolness left behind from Lauren’s tongue, she carefully opened her eyes again to see the other girl studying her in amusement. She tried to remember what had been asked of her, but could only swallow thickly and memorize the feeling of Lauren’s tongue on her mouth. This seemed to be an acceptable answer for Lauren, who then rose to her feet again and continued to walk around Camila’s body. Lauren stopped and placed her hands on her hips in a thoughtful manner, observing the angle of Camila’s round ass as it was barely clad between the leather dress and her light pink underwear.

Lauren looked at the fake tail that was clipped just above Camila’s hips, dangling from the back of her thin leather belt and complimenting the small cat ears on her headband. Lauren picked up the tail and twirled it around her fingers a few times, much to Camila’s ever-growing impatience with the teasing. Noticing the way that Camila’s scapula pinched together when she tensed up, Lauren released the cat tail and let it fall down against Camila’s legs, inspiring another shiver to roll through the girl once the faux fur brushed along her inner thighs when it swung limply. The reaction was incredibly sexy, Lauren thought, and she could have sworn she caught a glimpse of Camila biting her bottom lip when she tried to look back over her shoulder. This led Lauren to step closer and crouch beside Camila, running her fingers over the slope of her body and up onto her neck so that she could brush the dark brown locks to the side; Lauren pressed several soft kisses onto the nape of Camila’s neck, noticing that every inch of her body tensed beneath Lauren’s lips and freckled over in goosebumps.

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