Friend Request

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Lauren had never cared for social media. She thought it was a way of brainwashing people into staying in all day instead of enjoying life. So the idea of signing up for Facebook was absurd. Her daughter however, viewed the site as a ‘must have’.

“Please, please, please!”  Her daughter Sophie begged. This type of behaviour has been going on for the last six months. The mother had a good excuses whenever Sophie brought up wanting to have a Facebook account, but this time she came up blank. 

“I'm thirteen now, I'm old enough! All my friends have it!”  Sophie then spent the next few minutes explaining how all her friend’s mom's are so much cooler and fun than her own mother. Lauren did not find this conversation amusing.

“What do you need it for? You can see your friends whenever you want. They live around the corner sweetie.” Lauren has read many different bias articles on how bad Facebook is. The first moment Sophie spoke about the social networking site Lauren spent that night reading how it exposes children to dangerous strangers. Lauren would never claim that she’s an overprotective parent, but she will not allow her only child to be found online by old lonely men.

“Mom! You don’t understand. Please! They have privacy settings so only people I'm friends with can see my profile. And I’ll only be friends with people who I know and speak to. Please?”

“Fine but-” Lauren was interrupted by an over enthusiastic teen crashing into her arms.

“Thank you, I love you!” And with that Sophie scurried up to her room.

Later that night the two were in Sophie's room situated at her desk setting up an account.

“We’ll use my work email.” Stated Lauren. In the corner of her eye she could see her daughter’s mouth open, about to protest. Lauren quickly shut it down reminding Sophie that she’s the one who payed for her electronics and how she could easily remove them.

Once everything was set up, Lauren watched over Sophie adding her friends. Lauren had to admit that it was a good idea. She could get in touch with friends who lives in other states and even other countries. She also noticed how many of her friends and relatives are on the site.   

“Is that uncle Chris?” Asked Lauren curiously.

“Yep and auntie Taylor’s on here too.” Mindlessly replied Sophie.

‘That’s strange’ Lauren thought. Her siblings has never once brought up the fact that they have accounts. Actually she can’t remember the last time she spoke with them face-to-face. It was at Christmas last year, maybe it wasn't that long ago but it was for her. Two years ago Lauren moved away from Miami to New York after she got divorced to Sophie’s dad. They parted in good terms but they both decided it would be best if she had full custody. Luke worked at a high paying banking job and wouldn't have many hours spare to look after their daughter. He would fly out every school break to spend time with Sophie. He is a good dad, Lauren couldn't deny. But they just reached the end of their ten year marriage. They had Sophie when they were only sixteen and married when they were eighteen. They wanted a real family but it just wasn't meant to be.

At this moment after watching her daughter navigate through the site and learn the basics, she’s really starting to consider getting an account. She has nothing to lose, no skeletons in the closest that could get her fired from her job. There really isn't any reason to stop her. All she can think of are the positives.

“I'm going to sign up.” Lauren said calmly.

“What?” Sophie asked in astonished.

“It’d let me see what you’re doing and I can keep in contact with family.”

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