Empty Classrooms

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Kane High School

April 16th 2015

“Good Morning Ally!” smiled Normani the vice principal. “Good Morning to you too!” Ally joyfully responded.

If there was one thing she loved more than baking it would be her job. Unlike a lot of other people she actually enjoyed going to her job. She was the principal at Kane High School. There was just something about seeing all the kids file into there classrooms eager to learn. Well, most of them. One girl stood out to Ally her name was Lauren Jauregui. Lauren was known as the “school badass” she would never pay attention in class yet still managed to make phenomenal grades in her class which surprised everyone including Ally as well. She was once accused of cheating on a test and had to take her test in the library under surveillance by the teacher. When Lauren ended up getting a perfect score on her test she was never questioned again. Lauren has been in Ally’s office at least 50 times over the past year mainly for petty acts of rebellion. Ally would actually be surprised if she didn’t see Lauren at least once during the day whether it was for flipping a teacher off or punching someone in the hallway, with Lauren it was always something. When she would talk about Lauren to her friends or to the other staff members they would always question why Lauren hasn’t been expelled yet she would simply tell them:

“Lauren Jauregui may not be the most popular girl in school but she definitely was the most powerful. Every time Lauren got into trouble girls would come knocking on my door begging me not to expel her because they needed her. That happen on a daily basis.” Ally explained.

One girl in particular would come more often than the others to beg for her to stay was the valedictorian Camila Cabello. Camila was the president of the student council, captain of the debate and cheer team, and straight A student. If anyone was going to be associated with Lauren Jauregui Camila was the last person Ally expected to even talk to her. Something about the two of them being friends of even acquaintances seemed a little bit off to Ally but she never really dwelled on the fact. Ally never really focused on that much until April 15th, 2015. That was the day everything changed between Lauren and Camila.

April 15th 2015

“Shhh Lauren, be quiet they’ll hear us.” Camila giggled as Lauren started leaving wet open mouth kisses on Camila’s neck once Lauren sucked on a certain pulse point Camila let out a soft moan. Lauren looked up at Camila putting a finger to her lips signaling her not to speak. Camila nodded her head as she tugged on Lauren’s neck pulling her towards her leaving little to no space between them. All you could hear was heavy breathing and the occasional soft moan emitted from either Camila or Lauren.

March 5th 2014

The two started their secret affair during junior year. At first it stated as an occasional glance towards each other during Mr. Johnson’s hour long lecture about Shakespeare’s choice of vocabulary in Romeo and Juliet. Both of the girls knew that there was something there that both of them couldn’t deny. Everyday during 5th period Camila would search the classroom looking for the familiar green eyes that she had become infatuated with. On most days she would not find her, probably skipping as usual but every once in a while she would see her smirking in her direction when the two made eye contact. Camila quickly turned away cursing herself for falling into her trap again. She knew she couldn’t fall for her. Lauren didn’t fit her lifestyle, she was supposed to be in love with the captain of the foot ball team boyfriend. I mean they were perfect for each other in every physical way. She was the cheer captain, he was the football captain, they were both extremely “hot” and were perfect for each other in every way but they didn’t love each other. Both knew that their relationship wouldn’t last past high school but they agreed to stay together until prom so Camila could fulfill one of her high school dreams of being crowned Prom queen.

April 15th 2015

“Camila Cabello please report to Principal Hernandez’s office as soon as the bell rings before 5th period.”

“Why would I have to go to the office I don’t think I’ve done anything to get myself in trouble.” Camila explained.

“Of course not Mila even if you wanted to you wouldn’t break any rules. You’re too much of a good girl.“Dinah replied trying not to giggle.

“I’ve broken rules. Remember that time I had to go to the office for vandalism?” Camila questioned.

“Mila you cut a rope on the play ground so a boy wouldn’t choke himself to death. The only reason you went to the office was for an interview in the local paper.” Dinah laughed.


“What ever I know I’ve broken rules. Maybe I’ve just haven’t been caught yet.” Camila boldly stated.

“In your dreams girl.” Dinah yelled while Camila walked to the office.

Principal Hernandez’s Office

“You wanted to speak with me Mrs. Hernandez?” Camila questioned.

“Yes as you probably know, you are one of the smartest students here and will be this years valedictorian.” Ally smiled.

“Really?” Camila questioned not really believing what she just heard. “Well, co-valedictorian.” Ally explained.

“Oh who is the other stude-?” Camila frowned. Just as Camila asked the question the door flung open revealing a very angry Lauren Jauregui. “What’s up Hernandez, I have places to be.” Lauren smirked.

“Hello Miss. Jauregui. Please take a seat next to Miss. Cabello. Like you she is very smart, and will be the co-valedictorian beside you.” Ally explained once more.

“Oh, I see.” Lauren smirked. Camila could feel her face turning red.

“The reason why I’ve called you in was to ask if each of you could prepare a speech for graduation.” Ally questioned.

“I’m sure I could do that.” Camila shrugged

“Ugh yeah whatever is that it?” Lauren groaned.

“Yes Miss. Jauregui you may leave.” Ally dryly responded.

“Come on Cabello I’ll walk you to class.” Lauren stated not even asking Camila if she wanted to.

“Thank you Mrs. Hernandez. I will get that speech prepared.” Camila said as she was being dragged out by Lauren.

The two girls walked slowly towards their English Literature class having a comfortable conversation about their plans for the weekend. Everything was going smoothly until Camila didn’t notice the “Careful Wet Floor” sign in the middle of the hallway. She nearly fell flat on her face but Lauren caught her just in time.

“Thanks. I guess today wouldn’t be complete without me making a clumsy mistake.” Camila laughed.

“Yeah, are you okay?” Lauren breathed.

Camila looked deeply into Lauren’s eyes not realizing their lips were only inches away from each other’s. Camila didn’t want to fall into Lauren’s trap again. She couldn’t cheat on Aaron again. But to Camila, Lauren was a drug. Once you fall you can’t fall out.

Camila didn’t who was the to move them both into one of the empty classrooms but all she knew was that she was glad that it happened. Camila was currently pinned against the tabletop as Lauren was straddling her and attacking her lips erupting a loud moan from Camila. Just as Lauren was about to move to unbutton Camila’s shirt the door of the classroom flung open and there was standing Principal Hernandez her mouth agape.

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