I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

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“Okay, the Christmas committee is ready to begin!” Ally said excitedly, doing a little jump with the clipboard in her hands. “I have baked some cookies so dig in everyone!”

It was December 10th and everyone was at the Hernandez-Lewis household to plan and organize the upcoming Christmas Eve party. Being the ever so organize one, Ally took it upon herself to not only have the meetings at her house, but to also assign everyone their roles. Everyone took part in it every year – it could even be said that this became a Christmas tradition for all of them and their friends/family.

“Okay, according to the list,” Ally continued, reading off the checklist in her hand. “We first start with announcing who’s taking care of what during the Christmas party. Camila and Lauren, last year was Normani and Dinah’s turn to have to have it at theirs, so this year it’s all yours. For those who didn’t hear, this year the party will be hosted at the Cabello-Jauregui household!”

“Good luck,” Normani winked at the two ladies sitting on the couch beside her. After only 5 years of the tradition, it was finally their turn to deal with the rowdiness of having everyone and their kids under one roof.

“The people in charge of wrapping presents this year is…Lucy, Alexa, Sofi, and Reece; secret Santa will be organized by… Normani; music will be provided by Taylor” Ally read off her list without missing a beat. “And now for the most important role. This year’s Santa is…drum roll please…”

Dinah began rapidly tapping the coffee table in mimic of a drum beat, helping to build up the faux suspense before Ally finally shouted, “Lauren!”

At hearing her name, Lauren groaned loudly. “Why didn’t you give Shawn it? He wanted it way more than anybody this year.”

“No, no, Lauren, you can’t break tradition.” Ally chided. “You’re Santa and that’s it.”

“And you better not be a sucky Santa either, Ralph. If I have to hear my daughter complain about Santa talking to her about global warming and the economy, I’m tearing you to pieces.” Dinah’s voice rang through the room and Lauren subtly flipped her off.

“Put a stocking in it Dinah.”

“Oh hell no, Mani hold me back.” Dinah yelled, grabbing Normani’s arms and forcing her to hold her shoulders. “You lucky she holding me back!”

“Oooh, I’m so scared.” Lauren mocked whilst Dinah pretended to climb over Camila to reach her.

“Camila you better control your girl over there before I rip her lips off.”

“Babe, stop being a grinch and upsetting Dinah.” Camila pleaded with Lauren, batting Dinah’s hands away from reaching Lauren. “I’m not kissing you if you have no lips.”

Lauren rolled her eyes but complied in the end. “Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”

“Shush, you’re ruining our mood here. Here, stick a cookie in it.” Camila quickly picked up one of Ally’s gingerbread man and stuffed it in her mouth, effectively halting Lauren’s attempt to argue.

Lauren was taken by surprised but still pouted as she bit off the cookie’s head. “I’ve committed ginger-cide.”

Scoffing and playfully shoving her shoulder, Camila laughed, “Don’t be cute now, I’m trying to be mad at you.” Lauren scrunched her eyes and gave her a wide grin before Camila shook her head and went back to paying attention to Ally.

On the other hand, Ally, all too familiar with Lauren and Dinah’s yearly banting, seemed to be finished as she clasped her hands and asked, “So we’re all aware of our roles for the Christmas party right?”

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