Walk Away

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You need to understand that I’ll never be the girl that begs you to stay. If you decide to walk out of my life, I might be sad for a little while but know that I’ll never chase you. I’ll just let you go.

“So what Lauren? Now you’re just going to walk away? How selfish of you!” Camila screamed as she trailed behind Lauren who made her way to the front door with luggage by her side. The brunette roughly turned the older girl around using the girl’s shoulder. Lauren dropped her bags and scolded the younger girl in front of her.

“THIS!” Lauren pointed between Camila and her. “Isn’t working for me. I’m sorry.”

“Leave then.” Camila walked past the green-eyed girl and opened the front door gesturing Lauren to walk out. She clenched her jaw and hardened her gaze at the taller girl. The older girl didn’t move.

“Camz.” Lauren whispered. She took a step towards the younger girl but Camila put her hand up to halt the girl’s motive.

“Don’t.” She hissed.

“Camila, it was just wrong timing for us. I really do care about you.” Lauren muttered before she took a step back. She picked up her bags from the floor and threw it on her back. She had to leave. She trudged to where Camila was and looked at her right in the eye but the brunette turned her head away.

“No, Lauren. If you really cared then you wouldn’t walk away. You would let us work this out together.” Camila muttered softly. The older stopped her tracks and paused in between the doorway. She craned her head to get a glimpse of the younger girl who still had her head turned away from her.

“Please. Forgive me.” Lauren pleaded.

“Leave.” Camila growled from behind refusing to watch the girl walk away. Lauren took a sharp inhale and let a tear drip down her face as she tightened her clutch on her bags. She gave one last look at the brunette before she finally took a step out of the house.

Camila slammed the door when Lauren was through the front door. She slid down with her back against the door and pulled her knees in her chest. Her cold exterior broke and she cried. Little did she know that Lauren was still on the other side of the door, listening. The older girl could hear the girl muffled sobs through the door, breaking her heart and making it harder for her to leave the girl. She kneeled down in front of the door and placed a hand on it.

“I’m sorry. I promise I’ll come back.” She vowed, tears streaming down her emerald hues. She took out a red velvet box from her bag and opened it, revealing a diamond gold crested ring. “I love you.”

Lauren stayed on the other side of the door until she could no longer hear the younger girl’s cries. She figured that the girl got exhausted and fell asleep. She got up, closed the box and tucked it in her bag then took her phone out from her back pocket. She texted Dinah to come and keep Camila company before slipping it back in her pocket and continuing her journey.


5 years before the break-

Lauren was sitting peacefully in the break room as read a book and she sipped tea.

“You need to end it with Camila.” Alexa stormed in. The tall girl pulled a chair next to the green-eyed girl.

“Oh hi Lex, how are you?” Lauren rolled her eyes and ignored her coworker’s antics.

“Lauren did you hear me?” The brunette exasperated.

“Yes, I heard you. Why would I ever do that? We are doing pretty well. It’s our first month tomorrow.” Lauren stated proudly placing her book down and giving her coworker all her attention.

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