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“Who’s that?” I breathed, my eyes enchanted in a dark figure standing in the corner of the cafeteria.

She was clad in all black- black leather jacket, black leather jeans, and even black, silky hair that reached her waist. Her skin, on the other hand, was almost pure white, like porcelain. The only color she possessed was in her piercing green eyes that focused intently on the blank wall. She looked intimidating, mysterious, yet hauntingly….beautiful.

“Oh, her?” responded Normani, my only friend at this new school. “That’s Lauren. Stay away from her, Camila. There are rumors.”

“What kind of rumors?” I inquired.

Normani just shook her head. “I don’t want to scare you.”

“No, I want to know,” I persisted. “Scare me.”

“Okay, well, apparently, last year the teacher asked her to guide this special education girl named Mallory to the girl’s restroom. After a really long time, Lauren came back. Alone. And Mallory was never seen again.”

I gulped.

“Investigations were made, but there was no evidence of anything. It’s like Mallory just disappeared from the face of the earth.”

I examined the girl again. She leaned casually against the wall, hands in her back pockets. I shuddered when I thought about Normani’s story.

What did she do?

The chocolate-skinned girl took a deep breath before continuing, “And there was this other incident, where a boy was found in the locker room with scars and bruises all over his body, his skull cracked open and bleeding. Luckily, he was found before he lost too much blood, but it was like someone tried to…” Normani swallowed. “…kill him. And when they looked at the video tape, no one had left the gym except the boy. Lauren was the only student that wasn’t seen in the video.

But here’s the thing: she was marked present that day.”

I snuck another look at the strange girl again. She seemed like a pretty normal girl, aside from being insanely beautiful. But then I realized there was something like a huge invisible bubble surrounding her. No one from a 10 meter radius came near her.

“Anyway, those are just rumors. They’re probably really exaggerated, but I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her. She’s kind of odd.”

I nodded in agreement, yet I couldn’t help but be intrigued by her. I wanted to know who she was, her story, where she came from. But I also knew that wasn’t safe.

She was odd…


Hm, where was my pencil pouch?

I was already late to my next period, but the teachers wouldn’t mind since I was new here and the school was so huge that classes were almost impossible to find. I stood in the empty hallway and dug around my locker, already extremely messy, albeit being the first day of school. “Oh, here it is,” I said aloud, holding up the pouch that had been previously buried under a jumble of folders and notebooks.

I leaned back and shut the locker, when I felt a pair of strong hands suddenly grab me- one around my waist and the other pressed to my mouth.

I was too shocked to scream.

The next thing I knew, I was being shoved into a dark, cramped space, probably the janitor’s closet. The hands still clamped my mouth, pushing me forcibly against the wall.

“Mmmmmnngrh!” I yelled as loudly as possibly.

“Shhhhh,” whispered a raspy voice. I cringed at the sound.

The hands were taken off my mouth and I gasped for air. Milliseconds later, a blinding white light shone directly in my eyes. I squeezed them shut and yelped in pain.

As soon as I made the sound, something cold touched my throat. I looked down and almost fainted at what I saw: a knife.

“Make a sound and I kill you,” rasped the voice. It sounded like a girl’s.

My eyes were adjusting to the light by now and I looked in front of me to see none other than the mysterious porcelain girl, her translucent green eyes emitting a faint glow.

“W-who are you?” I barely managed to whisper.

“That’s confidential,” she snapped back, pressing a steely device to my forehead. Red lights scanned up and down my body.

“What is that?” I whispered harshly.

She sighed. “Since you’re not going to remember any of this later, I might as well just tell you. That,” she said, “was a scanner. It reads your DNA. Good for you; yours didn’t match up with any criminals.”

The green-eyed girl thought for a moment before speaking again in a low, smoky tone. “And since you won’t remember this…”

Before I could react, she was grabbing the sides of my face forcefully and pressing her lips against mine. Her body pushed me farther into the wall, making me suffocate between the hard surface and her heaving chest that was now glued to mine. She took sharp breaths through her nose as her lips moved aggressively yet skillfully against my own. Her tongue protruded deeper into my mouth, and I was too dazed at this point to refuse. My heart beat erratically– from shock, fear, and…something else.

She suddenly pulled away, leaving me gasping uncontrollably for oxygen. Soon, however, I held my breath again when something sharp pricked my arm, like a needle.

I looked up and my eyes locked with hers, now a mixture of grey, emerald, and transparent blue.

“By the way, I’m Lauren Jauregui,” she whispered softly into my ear, before pushing the needle further into my skin. “International spy.”

Everything from there was a blur. I vaguely remember shoving my knee into her stomach and knocking the syringe out of her hand, before barely managing to get out and stumble into the hallway. 

My ears were ringing, my lungs were contracting and expanding erratically, my heart was pumping violently, and yet my mind was focused on one thing:

What was she going to do to me?

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