Announcements (2015)

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Camila G!P

Camila Cabello was a famous singer and songwriter that’s been around for 5 years in a duo with her best friend. She was openly gay and she had lots of fans. But her #1 fan was her wife, Lauren Jauregui, a tall brunette that Camila knew since they were 18 years old, exactly 10 years ago.

They have been married for 3 years now and everyone loved their relationship.

But it was hard for them since Camila was always on tour. She had a break recently but she had to come back to travel.

One night, they were skyping, as usual, and Lauren seemed particularly nervous that day.

“Are you okay, babe? I notice you’re acting kind of weird,” Camila commented and Lauren lifted her sight from her lap.

“Um, yeah, I just… I have something to tell you,” the green eyed woman replied, sitting up straight and looking at her wife.

“Is everything alright?” she asked worriedly.

 “Yes, more than okay,” Lauren said smirking. “Remember what we first did, two weeks ago, when you came to visit?”

“I would never forget it,” she joked making Lauren laugh nervously.

“Well, you told me when we met that your… Thing works as any other one*,” she started and Camila frowned. “And you know, condoms aren’t 100% safe…”

“Wh…at are you trying to say?” Camila asked scared.

“Well, your thing worked…” she started, afraid that Camila might not be okay with it. “And, um, the condom didn’t.”

“Ar-are…” Camila intended to say something but she couldn’t, the realization hit her and she couldn’t formulate a coherent sentence. “That m-means your-you’re…”

“I’m pregnant,” Lauren cut her off.

Camila looked at the floor for a couple of minutes and Lauren didn’t pressure her to say something, not now that she knew Camila was completely shocked.

“Hold up for a minute,” Camila said, standing up and leaving Lauren watching the pillow of Camila’s tour bus bunk.

Lauren waited for Camila to appear seconds later, but when she didn’t, she started to get worried.

“Camz?” she called. “Camz, are you there?”

“Lauren, is it true?!” Dinah, Camila’s best friend said, sitting in the bunk and placing  the laptop on her lap.

“Yes, it is,” she smiled when she saw Dinah starting to tear up. Dinah had become one of her best friends too, since they used to spend time together when Lauren went on tour with them.

“Oh my God, I’m going to be an aunt,” she said looking in the distance, her hands squeezing her own cheeks.

“Where’s my wife?” she asked, pretending to be irritated.

“I don’t know,” Dinah replied, now looking at the screen. “She came to me and said “La-la-laur… Pregnant” and left the bus.”

“Are you fucking crazy?! Go bring her back, dumbass!” she said, concerned about her wife being alone in the night.

Dinah stood up and minutes later Camila appeared on the other side of the screen.

“Are you okay?” Lauren asked her and Camila looked up, with thoughtful look in her eyes.

“Yes,” she replied and she seemed to have her speech back. “I can’t fucking believe it,” she said smiling. “We’re going to be mommies!”

“We are,” Lauren responded laughing, all worries rushing out of her body.

“Can I announce it on the show? Please, please, please,” Camila begged. She was getting ready for a show tonight and she had to go in a couple of minutes.

“Up to you, babe,” Lauren told her.

“Alright, I will,” she said and stood up from the bunk, bouncing up and down like an excited kid. “Please, please, find a link to watch the show, my fans always have one.”

“I will, Camz, now go get ready,” she laughed.

“Yes, I love you, bye,” the Cuban woman said and the Skype call was done instantly.

Lauren did what her wife told her and logged in on Twitter to find a link to watch the show online. She found one quickly and waited for it to begin.

When her wife and Dinah appeared, they sang two songs before stopping to talk to the crowd.

“Hello, Los Angeles!” Dinah said, searching for her friend and going to the center of the stage to hug her. “Today is a very, very good day.”

“Yep, and not only because we’re here with you,” Camila completed, separating from her friend and walking through the catwalk.

“We have a big announcement to make!” the Polynesian woman said and the crowd started cheering. “Calm down, you might not even care but it’s important to us,” she laughed.

“Just say it, China,” Camila told her smiling brightly.

“Alright, alright,” she said, hugging Camila again. “We found out today that there’s a future mommy here,” she finally said. “It’s not me cause I’m single. My best friend Walz and her wife are having a baby!”

The crowd started screaming and the girl filming the concert almost dropped her phone. Lauren heard some people saying “oh my God, daddy Lauren!” and things like that and laughed.

“That’s correct, my friends,” Camila said, sitting on the floor and Dinah copied her pose. “My gorgeous wife told me just minutes ago that she’s having a baby and I couldn’t be happier,” the girl filming the concert zoomed in on the screen next to the stage that focused on Camila, who was starting to tear up. “You should go on her Twitter account and spam her a little, I know how much she loves it,” Camila joked, everyone knew how much Lauren hated social media and even more when everyone started to attack her with mentions. “I’m kidding, please don’t do that.”

“But you guys can orderly congratulate that asshole,” Dinah said and Camila hit her arm. “Ouch.”

“That’s the love of my life you’re talking about,” Camila whispered kind of far from the microphone but it was still audible for everyone on the stadium. “I know you’re watching, babe, I love you,” she said and Lauren squealed. She absolutely loved it when her wife told everyone how much she loved her. “Alright, let’s stop talking about my wife and let’s get to the singing!” she said excitedly and started walking around when the music started.

When they started singing, Lauren went to the Twitter app on her phone and started retweeting the congratulations tweets she was receiving.

@LaurenJCabelllo: Thank you all so much! I really really appreciate it. This kiddo will love you all a lot 😁.

She tweeted and then closed the app. She watched the rest of the concert and when it finished, her phone buzzed when multiple notifications of Camila tweeting displayed on the screen.

@camilacabello: GUYS IM GOING TO BE A MOTHER

@camilacabello: YEP IM NOT KIDDING


@camilacabello: @LaurenJCabello congrats on your uterus @LaurenJCabello: Thank you lady 😂 @camilacabello: I LOVE YOU YOU MAGICAL BABY MAKER YOUUU

Lauren went to bed with a huge grin on her face. She was about to fall sleep when her phone buzzed.

01:23, Camz💕: goodnight babe i love you to the moon and back tell the fetus i love it

01:24, Camz💕: we should call it tinkerbell

01:24, Camz💕: or peter pan if its a boy

So it begins, Lauren thought.

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