Aries' Cabin

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10 years of age.

10 year-old Camila sat alone at the edge of the log, gazing into the fire and wondering why the hell she was in this place and why her mother let her go with that weird half man and half horse thing. Did her mother not love her, is that why?

I know! Camila thought, I’ll tell mommy that I’m not gonna fight anyone anymore and that I’ll be a good girl from now on. She’ll just have to take me back!

With that, she stared into the fire happily. She now had a plan and an offer her ‘mommy’ could not resist.

“Hi, I’m Laureeen.” Camila whipped her head around, coming into close contact with the taller girl. Her eyes widened comically, surprised that someone was actually talking to her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted someone to sit with.”

“No it’s okay. I’m Cameela and sorry I was just thinkin’ about my mommy,” She told the pretty girl, “I don’t know why but my mommy left me here so I was just thinkin’ about how to get her to take me back.”

Lauren gasped. “Me too! But I don’t have mommy, only a daddy. My daddy told me I had to go with the horsey because I had to be safe or somethin’ but I don’t like it here. What did your mommy tell you?”

“My mommy didn’t tell me nothin’! She just let the horse-man take me away. I don’t think she wants me anymore though because she always tells me I’m a bad girl and I’m always gonna be nothin’ but trouble like my dad. But I never met the guy so how am I supposed to know not to be like him?”

“You never met your daddy, Cameela?” Lauren asked her shocked at the information, she never met her mommy either! “I never met my mommy either, but my daddy said she was a nice, smart girl but that’s all he’d ever tell me.”

“My mommy just said my dad wasn’t a good guy, but I wouldn’t know. The horse-man said something about my dad being from heaven or somethin’ but I don’t believe him for a second.” But she’d soon find out it didn’t take her much convincing after tonight to believe him.

But before Lauren could form a reply Chiron came up, along with several other big kids, to podium greeting everyone.

“That’s him!” Lauren whispered to her, pointing at the Chiron, “He’s the man who took me here.” All Camila could do was nod, fascinated by the kids with the horse-man. All of the big kids stood proudly next to the horse-man, all of them with their shiny medals and swords, all of them were decorated nicely with silver and gold. It just looked so grand to Camila and she wondered where she could get one of those.

“Hello new and old comers! Today is Friday, and you know what the means, your parents will claim you tonight.” He paused for a minute, letting it all sink in for the new ones. “If they haven’t already,” He quickly added, as he cleared his throat. “Moving on towards the topic, the gods only have tonight to claim you, so if they don’t that’s okay! There’s always next Friday. Never be bummed, you will get claimed eventually. So if you’re not claimed by tonight, please head over towards the Hermes’ Cabin rig-”

A wave of bright red suddenly flashed above Camila’s head pretty much blinding everyone ahead of her. However this went unknowingly to her. Everyone’s head suddenly whipped towards her direction, trying to see who it was. Camila fidgeted under the attention, uncomfortable. Attention seemed to like Camila, even though she hated it. She hated when everyone looked at her because all she could see was her mother’s disappointment filled eyes, shaking her head at Camila.

After several moments of silence she decided to brave it out, so with cheeks red as a tomato she angrily shouted out, “Stop looking at me!”

She felt someone poke her side, trying to gain her attention. Angrily, she whipped her head to her right where Lauren sat, her eyes wide and filled with pure curiosity. “I think they’re only trying to see why you have a red goat on your head.” Camila looked up at the bright red light on top of her and frowned. She wanted this thing off now. She ducked and move from side to side, but it still followed her around so again she quickly tried swatting it away, but nothing seemed to work. Lauren let out a giggle, “Cameela you’re so silly!”

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