Fire Escape (2/2)

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”I don’t need you
To give me back the open wounds”

Lauren kept her show up, the fans were watching, she couldn’t just take Stan’s ring and throw on his face. Actually, she could, but she didn’t. They shared a quick and fake-passionate kiss and were greeted by many people, what took long enough.

“We need to talk.” Lauren said really low to Stan, between a fake smile and not really looking at him.

They went to a room on the second floor of the party, where no one was.

“ What the fuck was that, Stan?!” she asked angry as soon as they got in the room, Stan shutting the door behind them.

“Lauren, this was the perfect setting, don’t you think Downey is prouder than ever?” he answered casually.

“So what? Why couldn’t you just tell me? What if I had said no, Stan?!” she asked louder, her blood bubbling inside of her, she wanted to run out of that place and catch Camila. She has no idea where the girl is, but it surely is in a not good situation.

“You couldn’t do that, I did it for you, Lauren.” he said shaking his head as being angry at her for not seeing that he just wanted to keep their thing going on because it was benefiting Lauren. Sure.

“You did it for you, that’s bullshit.” Laure shook her head. She is engaged to the man in front of her, to a man she has no feeling of passion, no will to live with, to wake up everyday and that was almost making her sick.

"Do you think that when Downey moves to Paris in two months, who do you think he’ll choose to take his place in New York?” he asked waiting for the answer impatiently.

“I don’t k..”

“Who could be a better choice than a powerful woman who has her desperately-in-love-fiancé to help and support her in any cases? Downey loves that image, he likes the idea of you being seeing even more as an inspiration to others.’’

That was true. But with that being true, why is Stan so worried that Lauren wouldn’t be offered a higher spot on the company after Downey moves? He isn’t, the only thing he’s thinking is about himself.

He knows Downey appreciates Lauren much more than him and he couldn’t lose his chance of becoming at least something with a deepest connection than the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with the new boss, he wants to be sure that he’d still feel powerful enough even Lauren being above him. His ability of persuasion is one of the things he’s more proud about himself and the reason is obvious.

"A young woman, that has the time to take care of a company and still finds herself on her husband’s arms everyday.” he continued.

Lauren is the smartest, but her head was not thinking clearly to the things Stan was saying, the only thing she could think was that he was right, Downey had the biggest smile on his face when she said yes, looking like a proud dad, and in two months he will be leaving NYC and a spot would be open, a spot that he could give to Lauren. Mr. Downey is an old friend from Lauren’s dad, that is also one of the reasons that she doesn’t like to fail him. She thought about that and tell him, and everyone, about Camila or not accepting Stan’s ring a month before receiving any proposal could be risky, what if he decides to give her spot to someone else? What if she disappoints not only him but her dad, her family too?

“Exactly Lauren,” he said after she came back from her deep thoughts and looked at him, still with her eyebrows furrowed, “thank you.” he said nodding because he succeeded on making her believe that she needs him, and his devilish thoughts were on his own side.

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