A Favor from A Boss

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Camila stormed into the cafee she used to work at. Her old colleague wasn’t working there anymore, somebody else was standing behind behind the bar. The cafee was almost empty, merely four people sat separate all over the place. 

The waitress in the bar was cleaning some mugs and glasses when Camila tip toed up to her.

“Hi, I have a huge problem,” Camila started, the waitress fixed her green eyes on her, “I used to work here. I was supposed to start working here again, last week, but my plans didn’t really work out. Long story short, my boyfriend will come here to check on me in like ten minutes and I need to pretend I work here. Can you possibly help me out and pretend I’m your colleague?”

The waitress was giving Camila a pair of owl eyes, because that was probably the weirdest favor anybody had ever asked her.

“Umm,” before the waitress could even think of a response, Camila cut her off, she read the little name card on the waitresse’s chest.

Lauren, oh Lauren, I’m in a big mess right now and I’m sure you’re a rad little human, so please can you consider helping me? I’ll give you some time… Like a minute, or thirty seconds,” Camila climbed onto the barstool in front of the waitress.

The waitress opened her mouth again, but shut it because Camila kept acting like a hyperactive, on energy drinks addicted squrrell, “twenty-seven seconds, twenty-six, twenty-five.”

“All right. Hold up. Why is you boyfriend coming to check on you?”

Camila avoided eye contact, but was forced to look at the waitress, when she loudly cleaned her throat, “so?”

“Well, that is another story and I really don’t have time for giving you all the info. Please I need your help!” Camila hopped off the stool and skipped around the bar, right next to the waitress, who raised a brow in concern.

“I have a lot of time. The sooner you start the sooner I understand the odd reason of why your boyfriend checks on you at your work, and why are you shaking like my dog before bathing.”

“Come on, it’s not that odd. Like boyfriends come to see their partner how they work. He’ll have a coffee and then he leaves,” Camila kept convincing the waitress. If she doesn’t stand in an apron when Dan comes in, she won’t even have to go home into their shared apartment ever again.

Lauren’s lips went into a doubting pout, her brows scowled. The cafeteria’s door opened and a tall, blonde guy in his fancy clothes entered the room. Camila’s eyes widened, “that’s Dan and if we don’t act like we’ve been working together for a week now, there’ll be really horrible concequences.”

Dan, the guy Camila reffered to as her boyfriend, approached them. The waitress scanned his from head to toe and back to his head. Fuckboy, screamed from the distance.

“Hey,” he shot a cunning smile at Lauren. Whoop, there it goes. He didn’t even look at Camila and she was standing right beside Lauren.

There was silennce for a few moments, then Lauren changed like weather, she turned to Camila, “if you’re sure Luke put everything in the order, then go and settle dowm, I’ll make the second table’s order. When it’s done it’ll tell ya.”

Camila didn’t understand what was her new friend talking about, then it hit her and she reacted. She saw a stock of aprons under the bar, so she bent down and grabbed one.

“Babe, what will be your order?” Camila asked all sweet and dandy.

Lauren rolled her eyes, she was really not into this, but won’t let down the girl who asked for a favor. She turned her back to the guy sitting by the bar and started preparing the next order.

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