Call Me Lauren // Stacy's Mom *

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*Sexual Content*

“Can you believe my mom said I can’t go? God, she’s such a bitch,” Stacy huffed, finishing off her rant. She had spent the last ten minutes whining about how her mom wouldn’t let her go to Ultra and how she was ruining her life and how she was overly controlling.

Camila shook her head, almost amused by how angry her best friend was. “Yeah, God, she’s such a bitch,” Camila scoffed, trying to sound as convincing as possible. “Bitch” was the last word Camila would use to describe Mrs. Jauregui. She would never, ever admit it out loud, but the truth was Camila was a little in love with Lauren Jauregui. Scratch that - a lot in love with Lauren Jauregui. She had no idea how it had happened, but suddenly she had realized she couldn’t take her eyes off the woman. Whenever she went over to Stacy’s, she found herself being more excited to see Stacy’s mom than Stacy herself. She wanted to spend endless hours at the Jauregui household and just be around Mrs. J all day. She wanted to run her hands all over the woman’s body, squeezing every curve, earning soft moans. Of course, that never happened, because Stacy and her mom had been in a rough patch for the past few weeks, and Stacy would always insist they lock themselves up in her room. Also, she never got more than three minutes alone with her.

“Hey, listen, so can I come over today? Mom has some foreign clients coming over and she said she’d prefer us kids out of the house,” Camila asked. Lie, lie, lie. Her mother didn’t have any foreign clients coming over, and in fact, she’d almost refused to let Camila go when the girl had asked permission to spend the evening at Stacy’s.

“You’re never home, you’re always out and about somewhere! It’s like you have some secret boyfriend or something! Is that what it is? You have some secret boyfriend and Stacy is your coverup? I would just like to have one family meal, all of us together, but no, you’re always God knows where!”

Oh Mom, if only you knew. They argued for several minutes, and it wasn’t until she’d told her Stacy and her were partners in geography and had a very important project to finish for the next day that she’d finally agreed. Her mom had a point, Camila did spend most nights if not every night at Stacy’s. She wasn’t even sure why she was still asking Stacy if it were okay, because she knew what the answer would be.

“I’m actually babysitting today,” Stacy told her with a frown. Camila’s heart dropped at the thought of not seeing Mrs. Jauregui. She’d had an exceptionally bad morning, and the assumption that she would be seeing Mrs. J that day was all that had gotten her through it. “But I’ll have like an hour before I need to leave, and you can still stay and hang out in my room as long as you need. Or you can hang out with my mom,” Stacy joked, bursting out laughing. Camila laughed too, pretending it was the most ridiculous idea.

“Yeah, awesome,” she scorned, excitement spreading inside her. She was never alone with Mrs. Jauregui for more than ten minutes. Fantasies of what could happen that night were flying around in her head. Mrs. J was always complaining about how she was tired of being single, so who knows, maybe she was so desperate even Camila had a chance. She wasn’t sure, but sometimes it almost felt a little as if Mrs. J was flirting with her. It was small, subtle things like brushing her shoulder against Camila when she walked by, making eye contact and giving her that dazzling smile, resting her hand on Camila’s arm whenever she talked to her, winking, saying suggestive things… Camila didn’t know if it was intentional, but she knew it drove her insane.


The hour that Stacy spent at home could not have been over fast enough. Camila literally wanted to scream “Just go already!” when Stacy kept stalling her departure, but she knew she’d have to keep her calm or she’d seem extremely suspicious. Eventually, when Stacy only had 10 minutes left until she had to be wherever she was babysitting, Camila pointed out that she would be late, which finally prompted Stacy to leave. Once she was gone, Camila sat down on Stacy’s bed, running things over in her head. Mrs. J wasn’t home yet, and Camila didn’t know when she would be, but she had jitters all over her body. Her fingers were trembling, butterflies were going insane in her stomach, and her face turned flaming hot whenever she thought about spending the next few hours alone in the house with Stacy’s mom. She kept mulling it over in her head. Her and Mrs. J. Mrs. J and her. Her and Lauren. Lauren and her. Could they have a cute couple name, like Brangelina? Hmm… Laurila? Camilen? Lamila? Cauren? Camren? Camren. She liked the ring it had to it. She repeated it over and over in her head. Camren.

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