Chapter 9

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The morning came quicker than I wanted, but it was not at all like the others. I wake up fully rested and refreshed. The house quiet. A smile spreads across my face. Momma and Matt didn't argue at all last night.

My stomach growls alerting me to its emptiness. My mind immediately goes to the chili I have stashed in the fridge. I jump up and dash to the kitchen, but when I open to door my heart sinks. My chili is gone. Maybe it was misplaced? I move everything but still there is no bowl. It was hopeless. There is only Bisquick and half a jug of milk. I grab the milk and pour myself a glass. Maybe this will fill my stomach.

My eyes wonder around the room. The place is a mess. The crock pot lay empty yet unmoved. Bottles, dirty napkins, glasses, and bowls are everywhere.

Momma and Matt come out of the bedroom. Both of them dressed nicely.

"Raven, come to the kitchen. Me and Matt are going somewhere. But we should be back in an hour or two," she says walking to the kitchen cabinet. She reaches inside and pulls out a can of chicken. "If ya'll get hungry ya'll can eat this."

I look at the can then back at Momma. A can of chicken? Is she serious? How do you eat a can of chicken? Is it already cooked? Do I use a microwave or an oven? Fry it? Needless to say, I have never cooked chicken in a can before and I have never seen Momma do it either.

"Well okay but—," I don't finish. Momma has already put it back in the cabinet and left the room.

"Come on! We're already late as it is. We gotta go," Matt yells to Momma as he lights another cigarette. Momma comes back into the room again.

"We should be back by twelve," she says as they rush out of the house. I look at the clock on the wall. 9:15 a.m. They will be gone about three hours. As soon as they are gone, Max comes out of his bedroom.

"Is there anything to eat?" he asks hopefully, but he already knows the answer before I even say it.

"There is only a can of chicken in the cabinet," I tell him opening the cabinet and pulling out the can. The only other thing in the cabinet was freeze dried black eyed peas. I know I will get into a lot of trouble if I attempt to cook them so they are not an option. I hear Max's stomach rumble and it hits me, Chloe. She can go get groceries for us.

"We can get Chloe," I exclaim. We both dart to her room and burst through the door only to find it empty. Her sheets spread across the bed. She must have left before we even got up this morning.

"We're out of luck. There is nothing to eat," I sadly reply. 

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