Chapter 59

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I am grounded. Why? Because I did not do the dishes as soon as I walked into the door. I had gone to visit Daddy and my stepmom and returned to this roach infested rats nest. Sometimes I wish I could live with them instead of having to come home to this. 

The house is disgusting. Nothing has been done since we left. The dishes are piled in the sink. The garbage is piling up. The counters of sticky and need to be wiped down. What did they do the whole time we were gone? A whole lot of nothing.

At least Max isn't the one being yelled at for once. He seem to be Matt's favorite target for some reason. Matt doesn't usually yell at me if I am grounded, mostly because I know how to keep my mouth shut. 

I cannot leave my room unless I ask permission. I can't even go to the bathroom without his say so or even make a run for the bathroom. I can't come to dinner until I am called. I have to be quiet. Wash the dishes then go straight back to my room. 

Chloe is hardly ever grounded. She can't be to be honest. She stands up to Matt and says what she wants. If she thinks Momma and Matt are being unfair she tells them so. She is always so strong, like our protector. I see her as one. I want to be like her, but I am too much of a coward. I hate that about myself.

I don't even think Chloe is here. She is hardly ever home. She spends the night at other people's houses a lot. Friday nights she leaves and won't return until Monday after school. I can't really blame her though. 

She has a way out, an escape route. She has a break from all the madness that surrounds us. A luxury Max and I do not possess. The only break we get is when we visit Daddy or his parents, which is not that often. 

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