Chapter 51

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Matt came storming thought the door. Max and I were in his room when we heard the door smash against the opposite wall. Matt didn't pay us any attention as he marched down the hallway to Momma's room. He shut the door halfway but Max and I could still see into the room.

My breath caught in my throat. My mind rushing to what Momma told me. Momma told us that if he ever came back to call her or 911. I knew what I had to do. I had to get the phone, but to get it meant leaving the safety of Max's room. 

I slowly opened the door as quietly as I could. I didn't want Matt to see us or hear us. Max followed me out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Take this and go back to you room," I whispered handing him the phone. "Don't come out." 

"What? No," he argued.

"Max, go!" I whispered through my gritted teeth. I didn't want him to get hurt. Max did what I told him to and hurried back to his room. 

Matt game out of Momma's room holding purses, necklaces, and all sorts of valuable stuff. He was going to pawn Momma's stuff to get back at her for making him leave. 

"Ray," Max called. He held out the phone for me but I didn't take it. "Momma want's to talk to him." He pointed at Matt.

"Matt!" I yelled. Matt stopped in mid step. "Momma want to talk to you." 

Matt snatched the phone out of Max's hand. Whatever Momma told him was obviously not what he wanted to hear. He started yelling at Momma. 

"Go back to your room," I ordered. Max didn't need to be told twice. Matt's angry outburst brought my attention back to him. He threw the phone as hard as he could across the house. I immediately duck. 

Matt began yelling again. He headed out the door. Finally he is leaving. I ran to the door, shut and locked it then ran back to Max's room.

Matt started pounding on the front door. All I could think to do was to go open it. I walked out of the bedroom and opened the door. Why? I honestly have no idea. 

He walked past me. He went to the jug of coins and dumped it all out on the floor. 

"Selena don't deserve these coins!" he yelled pocketing the change. "I'm gonna take all my money and snort it! Till my heart burst!" His eyes meet mine. "Is that what you want me to do Ray!"

I shake my head. My hands are shaking. My heart is beating so fast it might run away from me. Don't look at me like that Matt. Stop looking at me!

Matt puts all the coins in his pocket. He returns to Momma's room and grabs her brand new laptop. "She don't deserve this either! I'm taking it too!" Matt yells coming out of the room. 

"No," I yell taking hold of the laptop. He can't take it. He can take whatever else he wants, but not Momma's laptop. She just got this. Matt shoves me to the ground and continues to the door. I quickly get to my feet and grab the laptop again. Matt throws me into the chair.

"That's Mommas you _______!" He ignores me and climbs into his car. 

Max picks up the phone and quickly calls 911. A few minutes later, the cops showed up. I told him that Matt had violated his restraining order and that he stole Momma's stuff. The cop told me that there was nothing he could do and left. Typical. And people wonder why I don't trust the system.

The cop left me and Max alone at the house. He didn't even wait for Momma and Chloe to come home. What a stupid cop! They don't help anything! What if Matt had come back again!

Momma and Chloe came home soon after. We told them about what happened, what he took, and about the cop. Momma said that Matt must have been desperate for money since he took all of that. Momma and Chloe both said that the cop was stupid too. 

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