Aunt bought me a ring for my birthday. I cannot help but admire it's beauty. It has my birthstone in it. It is absolutely amazing and perfect in every way. I show it off whenever I get the opportunity. The little kids on the bus loved it and wanted it but it was mine.
I took off my jacket and hang it on the closet door handle. My ring is in the pocket. Aunt told me not to leave it out or it will get "borrowed" by Momma. She told me to not even let Momma see it or get near it. I did as I was told. I knew what Aunt was afraid of. She knew Momma would take it and pawn it.
I left it in my jacket pocket for a long time. It was supposed to stay in the pocket. When I returned to my closet and reached into the pocket, I could not find it. My fingers didn't feel it. I didn't press the matter because I honestly didn't want to tell myself that it wasn't there. After a few days, I didn't try to get it out.
After weeks, I could no longer stand it. I threw my jacket onto mine and Chloe's bed to find it. I searched the pockets repeatedly. Low and behold, it wasn't there. I searched around the closet area but could not find it. I just calmly put the jacket back on the door handle.
I didn't want to make a big fuss over it just in case it was found. I didn't want to make an ass out of myself by accusing people of taking it. I stayed quiet about it for a long time.
A week later, Chloe and I had to clean our room. I saw this as my opportunity to look for the ring. We cleaned literally everything. While Chloe was cleaning out her drawers, she found a nasty rotten bag of beef jerky. There was not telling how long it had been lying next to her questionably clean clothes.
When she picked it up, she almost screamed.
"And you think I'm nasty! That's way worse than anything I have ever done!" I laughed.
We called Momma into the bedroom and showed her. She said she ain't never heard of somebody doing something like that.
I told Chloe that she was self-centered and that she didn't share. If she had shared with me then she wouldn't have some nasty science experiment in her clothes. I got the bag from Chloe and showed Uncle. After that it took a trip to the garbage can.
I went back to cleaning. I searched the closet area again. The bed was moved so I looked there as well. I looked everywhere in the room. I couldn't find it. When everything settled down, my anxiety grew. I started to think that Momma took it.
I mean things like that don't just sprout legs and move on their own. After I thought about it, I decided to ask Chloe what she thought happened to it. I walked into the room. Chloe was sitting on her bed when I told her about the ring. I told her that I thought Momma had taken it.
Chloe told me that it was stupid to think that, but what else could have happened to it? Someone had to take it out of the pocket or it sprouted legs and walked off. Sadly, I never found the ring. I also never told Aunt that the ring went missing or the fact Momma and Matt were the ones that probably took it.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...