Chapter 49

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At the middle school, people didn't like me. I am not sure why. People just hated me. It might be because I dressed in black a lot and my friends and I were known as "freaks". I really didn't pay attention to the any of the others. I just kept to myself and too my friends.

It seemed that a lot of them had a similar life. The hell home, and the ridicule that we faced at school. We were all strong though. We pressed on and found happiness in any place that we could.

One day some girl at school threw a roll at me during lunch. I was sitting at the long lunchroom table with my friends. We were on one end of the table and the preps were on the other end. Me and my friends were just sitting and talking to one another when this chick threw a roll at me.

For a second, I could not believe that she did that. Before I knew it, I had jumped up from seat and stormed over to her.

"You better knock that ____ off!" I yelled at her.

My face was blazing red. I was shaking with anger. I was ready to take the lunchroom plate and beat it over her head or make her eat the table and smash her teeth. She didn't say anything else. I turned around and walked back to my seat. She didn't do anything else during lunch.

After lunch, my friend and I were walking back to the class room. The same girl walked back up to me and started talking smack. She kept egging at me to fight her. I was fixing to show her a fight. I stepped forward but my friend grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I was fuming. I was red faced and shaking with anger. I wanted beat her face in.

She was one of those preppy girls who got anything she wanted. Her parents spoiled her so bad. She demanded two prom dresses for one night. She looked down on everybody else. Anybody that had less than a two-story house and a brand new car were nothing more than trash.

In other words, she was one of those rich girls from hell who expected everything to be handed to her on a silver platter. She was a spoiled brat that was hateful for no reason.

She will probably end up getting pregnant and living with her parents. The father won't be around because he merely used her cause she was easy. She thought that I was nothing more than trailer trash. She even said that to me! The truth is, she was the trash. You don't treat people badly otherwise you will end up alone. I bet you that is what will happen to her.

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