Chapter 25

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The pain in my stomach is becoming unbearable. It's becoming difficult to ignore. If I want peace, I will have to find something to soothe it. I know there is nothing in the kitchen, but maybe I over looked something. I am hoping and praying that this is the case. I get off my bed and head to my door. I move the block out of wood out of the way and lay it against the opposite wall, then walk down the hallway. 

Momma and Matt are in the living room. I can hear them. They are talking but their voices are no louder than a whisper.

"Leave," Momma sobbs. "Just leave." 

I stop at the edge of the hallway. I turn my head and look into the living room. I can see Momma standing in the living room. I poked my head out more trying to see what is going on. They are never this quiet. Something is wrong. I can feel it. I  can hear it in Momma's voice.  

Matt is sitting in his recliner. His face calm and cool. My eyes move to Momma's hand. A knife in clenched in her fingers and they are holding right against Matt's throat. I quickly cover my mouth. 

"Leave now," Momma cries. Matt doesn't say anything. "Please just leave." 

Matt still doesn't move. I make my way back towards my room. I don't turn around until I reach my door. I silently close it and put my board back against the door. I couldn't walk into the kitchen, not with them like that. I will just have to go hungry again.  

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