Chapter 22

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We all come home from school. Chloe goes straight to her room. She doesn't speak to anyone. Matt has grounded Max again. Max can never come out of his room. Matt is always getting on to him for something he thinks Max has done. 

Momma and I try to cook supper, but Chloe ends up doing most of it. We all sit down at the table that Chloe set. All except Matt. Matt is in the living room sitting in his recliner.

"Does anyone else want any more mash-" Matt is cut off before he can say anything else.

"Shut your God ____ mouth. You're ruining everybody's dinner!" Matt interrupts.

"All I am asking is if anybody else wants mash potatoes." Max says turning to Matt.

"I don't give a ___ about what you have to say." Matt spits back.

"Calm down Matt," Momma orders. This makes Matt even more angry. He hollers even more. All Matt knows is louder and louder. An argument ensues. This is the typical dinner in my house. I am tired. I am tired of all of this. 

While they are still arguing, I take my plate to the kitchen. I lay it on the counter next to the sink then proceed to my room. Homer, our lab pit mix, follows. I pace back and forth, so angry. How can he yell at Max like that? How can he think that is right. He has never has the right to treat him like that. Max was just asking a question.

 Homer stands there watching me walk back and forth. He starts to get worked up by my actions. I gently take his collar and lead him out of my room. I don't want him to bark and get in trouble.

I just stand motionless in my room, listening. My eyes fixed on the wooden door to my room.

"I hate you!" Momma screams. "Get the ____ out of my house."

I feel my ears starting to get hot. Matt started all this. This.....this hate....the screams....the broken glass.....the blood on the floor. It's all his fault.

I feel my ears starting to get hot. Matt started all this. This.....this hate....the screams....the broken glass.....the blood on the floor. It's all his fault.

She would have been better off if he had never come into her life. She would have stayed in AA. She would have gotten better. The drugs are what messed her up. Now the drugs have messed Matt up as well.

I continue to listen to their angry heated words. The stomping......the sounds of slaps and punches. The sounds are just like nails on a chalk board. Terrible sounds. All I can do is pace back and forth with my hands cuffed over my ears, trying not to let the sounds get in my ears or my head.

I felt like crying. It takes every bit of my strength not to.

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