Chapter 19

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"They will deny it. They won't tell us the truth," Max tells me.

"I disagree. Momma might be pissed off at him enough. She might try to make him look bad by telling us."

Max merely stares at me. He obviously does not agree with me. "Maybe. It might be a little far fetched."

I sigh. Maybe he is right. They are defiant enough that they might act like it didn't even happen. "Eh, maybe you're right."

"Hay!" Max yells out of nowhere. "Let's jump on the computer! We can use the internet while they are gone."

"Yes!" I exclaim racing and beating him to the computer. I stare at it for a moment. I forgot how to turn on the internet.

"Let me do it," he says pushing me put of the chair and onto the floor. With a few clicks of the mouse, he had the Wi-Fi up and working. A few clicks more and he has google pulled up and is typing in the search engine. Before I my brain could register what everything, he was typing and pulling up another web page.

Over the next few hours, we go from music videos to stick men until we finally land on a video link on how to make napalm. The video instantly captivates our attention. The video instructs us on what materials are needed and how to combine them. The man in the video demonstrates to the viewers how to pour the gasoline into a glass jar and how to drop pieces of Styrofoam into it.

The amount of Styrofoam needed surprises us. It dissolves extremely fast. A large chunk will quickly dissolve producing a small amount of a grey glue like paste. The whole process is fascinating.

Before we know it, we are running through the house in search of old boxes that can be harboring the precious Styrofoam. We already know that we have gasoline because of the lawn mower. The only obstacle is getting the Styrofoam.

After searching the whole house, we finally find the foam in the closet of Momma and Matt's bedroom. We gather it in our arms and sprint to the side of the trailer. There is a larger gap in the side lining at the bottom. This gap leads to the underside of the trailer where we store the lawn mower, weed eater, and best of all the gas can.

Max creeps under the trailer. He returns with an evil smile and the red can in his hands. We go to work immediately. We imitate the man in the video down to the last detail. We were very surprised at how much Styrofoam we need. We have only made a little when we hear the truck pull into the driveway. It's Momma and Matt.

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