Chapter 85

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I take a deep breath as the car pulls into the drive of my old school. My ex boyfriend was waiting outside with a girl that I had never seen before. She looks like my other friend who also went to the school. They could have been twins. She was a petite blonde.

I got out of the car and made my way over to them. I knew my ex and would be comfortable standing next to him. The girl came running up to me. She threw her arms around me and told me her name was Sorá. I thought that she was the weirdest girl I had even met.

We started talking and ultimately became best friends. Things were beginning to fall into place. I got back together with my old friends from school and made new ones. I felt awesome because I had my old friends back. I even had classes with Max.

Ihad enjoyed all of my new friends at school, especially Sorá. My creative writing friend and I had gotten real close. We talked all the time. He helped make me happy again.

Later, Sorá convinced me to write about my life. She gave me a journal. A black composition book. It's blank pages spoke to me, called me to write. I did. I wrote to my hearts content. I put pages in. I stapled the pages I wanted to block out with pictures. I wrote my whole life in that little book.  I named it "Black Ribbon". 

I was so scared about letting other people look at it. The only person I let read it was Sorá. I kept it with me at all times. I somehow became obsessed with writing in it. It was my release from all my memories. It was my escape from everything and everyone. 

We all met somehow. It may have been fate. Sorá is the one who brought us all together. She is the one who has helped us all through so much. The one who has loved us all, even if we made stupid decisions or just try our damndest to piss her off as best as we could.

She was the one who was always there for us all. She even brought us together to write our stories. She spent endless hours typing it all up for us and turned it from a bunch of notes in a journal to an actual book. She has always been the bestest friend anybody on earth could ever ask for. God has truly blessed me with a friend like her.

Now she has to type this into the book. I don't want to make her cry so I will end with my favorite song:

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