Chapter 34

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A part of the truck broke. I don't know what it is called but it is not running right. Momma and Matt have taken it to the mechanic to see if they can fix it. I don't know how they are going to pay for it to get fixed. That thought has crossed my mind a few times. 

Momma looks at the truck then back at the mechanic. "How about we trade you?" she asks him.

The mechanic stops and leans on the truck. He crosses his arms pondering Momma's question. "Trade what?"

"Our car for the truck gettin' fixed," Momma explains. The mechanic rubs his chin. 

"I don't know Selena," he kicks a bug off his shoe. 

"We got the papers," Momma moves closer. "We can sign them over to ya. You keep the car for work on the jeep." 

"Alright," the mechanic holds out his hand to Momma and Momma shakes it. 

Momma and Matt signed over the papers to the mechanic. The truck isn't even fixed yet and they are signing it over to the guy. 

You can guess what happened next. The mechanic kept the car and didn't fix the truck. Mommaand Matt threatened to sue him, but they never did. We all saw him one day whilewe were going somewhere.

"That son of a _____" Momma yelled unbuckling her seat belt and opening her door. Momma stopped the car in the middle of the street. Cars are behind us. I feel like disappearing. I know their anger is justified but do they have to stop in the middle of the street. 

Momma is now out of the car yelling at the top of her lungs at the mechanic. How he is a cheat and that they will sue him. Matt is out of the car now as well and yelling right alongside Momma. 

Momma is ready to fight him. I can tell by her stance, but Matt stops her before she can do anything. He begins to pull her back towards the car. He forces her in the passenger seat. He shuts the door but Momma is still yelling. Matt yells more language at him then decides that it is time to walk away. He climbs into the driver seat and we all take off. 

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