Chapter 18

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I wave goodbye to Ronan as the bus drives off. I turn around and walk with Max and Chloe to the house. The vehicle is gone so I know that they aren't there. My body relaxes the closer I get. It had been a good day at school. No conflict with anyone, no homework for me to ignore and I had a very satisfying lunch. I feel great.

When we first walk into the house, we immediately notice that something is different. The house looks normal. There is no mess to clean up. The living room is fixed right yet I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different.

That's when I notice it. On the far wall, there is a glob of peanut butter. Before I have time to react, Chloe exclaims "What the fuck!"

"I know! I saw it too!" I laugh.

"What? Saw what?" Max asks looking between me and Chloe. She points to a glob but not the one on the wall, but a different one on the roof.

"Where? I don't know what you're pointing at?" 

Chloe grabs his head and points it in the right direction. He burst out laughing. "Is that peanut butter?"

I am busy looking around the room for more spots. My eyes land on another one. This one is on the ceiling fan. I point it out to the others and we all join in a chorus of laughter.

"What on earth were they doing?" I ask plopping on the couch.

"Peanut butter fight?" Chloe shrugs.

"Damn it, Matt. You piss me off! Eat the peanut butter!" I yell jumping up and imitating Momma. I pretend to throw spoon fulls of peanut butter at Max.

Max jumps up laughing. "God ____ Selena! I hate peanut butter! That's my one weakness," he exclaims falling to the floor and acting like he is melting. "You have won against my evilness," he gurgles falling to his knees. He falls onto his face.

"Both of you have lost ya'll minds," Chloe says leaving the room.

Max chuckles and gets to his feet. "I can't believe they got into a peanut butter fight."

"Me neither," I exclaim, "They have never done that before."

"Could you just imagine them saying food fight in the middle of dinner?"

"Then they just start throwing plates of food at each other," I laugh. We both laugh harder. When we have finally laugh ourselves out. We decide to ask them what happened.

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