Chapter 7

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People begin showing up after an hour. I offer them drinks attempting to be as polite as possible. Carlton and Leah don't show up till eight. To my surprise, they brought their son Buddy. I had no idea they even had a son. He's tall with dark hair and very mild mannered.

As soon as he gets there, we immediately go into Max's bedroom. We take turns balancing on a basketball. Buddy has the best balance. When we got bored with that I went to my room and got a few cds that Ronan had given me. The music played until a chant came on. We all freeze. The chant repeats several times.

"What the hell is that? You have a wiccan chant on here?" Buddy says turning to me. I laugh it away.

"I know. A friend of mine gave me the cd. I've listen to this cd before." I say. Buddy's face changes.

"I don't know if you should be playing that anymore. It's a chant." Buddy warns. To get him to drop it, I just agree but I knew in the back of mind I was going to do what I wanted.

"Let's go see if the chili is ready," I said changing the subject and getting to my feet.

In the dining room, everyone was at the round table playing spades. Chloe was there too. They were playful cursing at each other and drinking their beers. Cigarettes and beer bottles surrounded the table. I'm glad that Chloe isn't drinking. My gaze turns to the chili bowls.

Momma looks up at us. "Hay," she calls," The foods ready. Ya'll go get some."

My plan to put chili aside might be spoiled. There might not be enough to left. I rush to the crock pot to take a look. To my delight, it is still half full. I let out a sigh of relief. I grab a large bowl for me and two smaller ones for Max and Buddy. I fill mine up to the brim. I know that I can't eat all of it. So I will have no choice but to save it in the fridge. I can fill the bowl back up if there is any left when I am done. I pull out the aluminum foil and leave it on the counter for later.

The three of us eat in the living room and turn on a movie. Matt interrupts our movie with his loud voice. "Carlton, you wanna go outside for a little bit?" 

Carlton and Matt lock eyes. Engaging in a silent conversation.

"Yeah,"Carlton says. 

"We're pausing the game. Be back in a minute." Matt walks into the living room and goes to the tall table in the corner. He reaches behind a picture frame and pulls out a small box. Carlton grabs a lighter from a pack of cigarettes and walks out the front door with Matt following behind.

I turn my attention back to the movie. The metal roof explodes with the sound of tiny beads of rain hitting it. A minute later, Matt and Carlton come bursting in. Their clothes dripping wet. A profound odor following them inside.

"We haven't been out there two minutes before it started pouring," Matt says brushing some water off his clothes. Momma and Leah bust out laughing.

"Ya'll just go into the bedroom," Momma says through her laughter.

"It's not funny now. I'm soaking wet," Matt says.

Momma tries her best not to laugh. "Just get your monkey ass in the bedroom." 

Matt gives Momma a look but walks to the bedroom. "God almighty," he mutters under his breath. Max and I look at each other. Both of us thinking the same question. What was that horrible smell?

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