Chapter 79

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"I can't believe him," I cry. My friend sits down next to me. She doesn't say anything. She is merely listening to the details for now. She knows that if she leaves me alone for a moment that I will calm myself down, but maybe not this time. My heart is hurting and it is not because of Momma and Matt's evil words. 

"I told him that I was moving in with Daddy and he acted like he didn't even care," I sob through my tears. "He broke up with me because I am leaving. I don't even have a choice in leaving." 

My friend still doesn't say anything. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug. I start crying even harder. I cannot stop the tears. I don't even want to. It feels so good to let it all out.

"If he cares at all for you, he will try to make a long distance relationship work. If he doesn't even want to try then there is nothing you can do and you shouldn't let him get to you cause he ain't worth it." She rubs my arms and lays her head on my head. 

I tried talking to him, but it didn't work. He wouldn't listen to me. He couldn't understand that I had to leave. If I didn't leave, I was going to lose my sanity or worse my life. Things had become so bad at home that there was no longer a choice in leaving. It was necessity. 

The day was quickly coming to a close. He handed me a note with his necklace wrapped around it. We broke up and there was no reconnecting. It's Friday. I won't be able to see him until Monday. 

The whole weekend, I stay in my room. Things are really bad between all of us. They know I am leaving. Max is leaving too. When I leave my room, there are no nice words from either Matt or Momma. Which is really saddening. Truly it is heartbreaking. They have completely turned against us. Whatever they said I just nodded my head and walked back to my room when I could.

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