Chapter 12

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While I stood next to the tree waiting on the bus, I avoid Max. I can't stand the sight of him. We have been at each other's throats all morning. He had been making sly remarks to me all morning and I have been snapping back at him.

Besides the arguing, there is something unusual about the day. The high school kids are out of school. I had only heard rumors about why. The most pressing one being that the plumbing at the high school was out again.

Also there were not as many elementary kids or middle school kids on the bus either. I assume it is because since the high schoolers are out their parents didn't want them to go either. Probably don't want to fuss getting them up.

The bus pulls up and we get on. Many of the students have their backs against the window with their feet propped up in the seat. The only open seats for me and Max are right across from each other. We have no choice so we take our seats.

Max continues to say rude things to me. I eventually grow tired of it and kick from across the aisle. He does the same. Other kids start yelling at us to stop so we do, but we are still mad at one another. The school bus could not move fast enough for me. The sooner we get off the better. It is the longest bus ride I have ever had.

Once we get to school, we go our separate ways but the day seems to slip by. My morning classes consist of watching movies because there are only about ten students in my class. As the day progresses, more and more students begin coming. Some said it is because the plumbing in the high school building is fixed.

The day continues to move by very quickly. Before I know it, school is over and I am forced to get on the bus once again. Luckily, I am one of the first ones on. I am able to pick any seat I want. I have an entire seat to myself. No one wants to sit in the front of the bus so that is where I sit. Right behind the substitute bus driver.

I crouch down and wait for the moment to strike and scare Ronan. I get down low to the floor and wait. My heart racing in anticipation. My heart jumps when Ihear feet on the bottom step. I get ready to pounce.

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