The winter is a rough one. The heat, if there is any, couldn't reach my room. No matter what I do I cannot get warm. I am shivering. Goosebumps line my arms and neck. My teeth will not cease chattering. The is no way I will be able to stay warm in my room. Maybe I can get warm in the living room. I grab my blankets and pillow off my bed and make my way down the hall.
Momma and Matt have lite the fireplace. I will be able to get warm. I toss some of Chloe's things on the floor and throw my pillow on the far end of the couch. I lay down and placed the blanket on top of my. If I stay still I may be able to warm myself up sooner. Soon sleep over takes me and I drift off into a soothing dream.
I don't know why I wake up but I do. I sit up on the couch and look around the room, but something pulls my attention to my blanket. I gasp and throw my blanket onto the floor. The roaches that startled me scurry across the blanket and onto the floor in various directions.
My hands instinctively reach for my arms and rub them up and down. I feel as if they are on me, and knowing how infested the house is it is a possibility. I get off the couch and make my way to the fireplaces. There is a pillow that someone has left on the floor. I sit on top of it. I
I have Mono so obviously I do not feel well and the roaches do not help the situation. I wish it was warm in my room. There were no roaches in my bedroom or rats. It is fairly clean. I make sure that are no nasty roaches in my room. I do not even leave food or glasses in my room. Only over my dead body would I allow one of those vermin in my room.
We have tried to get rid of the roaches and rats. We used smoke bombs and anything else one can think of.Nothing worked. The roaches and the vermin loved our house too much to everleave.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...