Food seems to bring my family together. Like with Matt and ice cream, Momma and I had our thing. When Momma went grocery shopping, we would search the isles until we found a jar of olives. Later when we returned home, we would sit on the couch watching TV and pigging out. It was always nice to do those things with Momma.
Just like with Matt, Momma and I had our good moments. It wasn't always bad. I guess that is why my heart and mind are so messed up. It cannot decide if they are cruel or not. If you have ever been in a situation like this how did you figure it out? Maybe I never will.
Sadly those good time with Momma were few and far between. The situation would turn just as quickly. They were replaced with fits of yelling. Matt didn't mean it. Matt was just upset. Matt had a rough day. Matt. Matt. Matt.
Matt didn't mean to raise his voice. Matt didn't mean to make Chloe cry. Matt had a rough day and it my fault for upsetting him. You know how he is Ray you shouldn't push his buttons. Leave it alone Ray. He loves you Ray, you know that. He loves all of y'all. Ya'll just upset him sometimes. He loves you like his own kids. Don't make that face Ray. It'll stick like that.
No. No he doesn't. He doesn't even love his own kids. Every chance he gets he calls them names. He says they are liars and good for nothings. That they are not getting anything when he passes away. What Matt? What do you have to leave anyone? Hurt feelings. Bruises and scars. The bruises and scars will fade Matt, but the cruelty you leave behind will not.
I flinch when someone yells. I jump when someone touches me and it is all your fault.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...