Chapter 68

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Chloe and her boyfriend are sitting in the living room watching TV. He often comes over when he can. He lives far away from us so it is a long drive here and back to his house. I do not know what starts the fight between Chloe and Matt but it soon brings Chloe to tears. I have never seen or heard Chloe this distraught by Matt's words.

I am by my bedroom door. I do not want to leave it for fear that Matt's rage will turn to me. I will stay here out of his way and stay out of the argument. 

Her boyfriends anger matches Matt's. He is furious with Matt for making Chloe cry and I do not blame him. I find it honorable, him sticking up for her. Her boyfriend is now on his feet and inches away from Matt's face. His fist clenched. He wants to hit Matt. I want him to hit Matt. Please just do it. Knock him down a peg or two. Show him he cannot bully everyone. One good sock to the face should do it. 

The yelling between the two increase. Momma merely stands there. She will never do anything. The record of past experience tells me as much. 

Matt has made his way into the kitchen. He grabs a dinning room chair and throws it. ____ is about to hit the fan. I know it is. Even though I am not part of it I still flinch when the chair hits somewhere in the living room. 

Chloe pulls her boyfriend away. She begs him to leave. "Just leave," she cries. He doesn't want to go. I can see it in his face. He is worried about her and he has every right to be. Chloe has to practically push him out the door and lock him out.  

Matt's anger still has not subsided. He is pissed off because Chloe's boyfriend stood up to him. Even after her boyfriend is long gone, Matt is still yelling about him. 

"He ain't never welcome in this house! You hear me!" he yells at Chloe as she makes her way to her room wiping the tears from her face.

"I am head of this family! What I say goes!" 

No one is listening to him.

"I can beat his ___," Matt continues, "I will take a baseball bat upside his head."

He never does. Chloe's boyfriend is younger and stronger than Matt. He could take Matt if he wanted to. I wish he would.

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