Chapter 57

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The cold morning air hits me. It has seeped into the trailer as it always does. There is no way to keep the cold out of this house. If that is what you want to call it. I don't let it get to me though. If I keep moving, I will stay warm. 

Today is a special day. We are going to visit Uncle Paul. He is waiting on us at Nana's old house. Momma is going to drive us there. I start to get ready. I pick out the nicest pair of jeans I have and my favorite black shirt. I start to do my makeup. After I brush my hair I make my way into the living room.

A sudden feeling of dread begins to form in the pit of my stomach. Something doesn't feel right. Momma and Matt haven't  come out of their rooms. Max, Chloe, and I are all ready but they haven't even come out. The feeling moves its way out of my stomach and up into my chest. I instinctively retreat back to my room.

Momma and Matt's arguing pulls my attention back to the living room. I return to see Matt sitting down in a chair and sliding his shoes on. He is fully dressed and ready to go, but Momma isn't. She is standing in front of Matt wearing nothing but a hole ridden shirt and her underwear. 

"Go get in the car kids," Matt orders.

"You're not going anywhere with my kids," Momma yells back.

Momma starts down the hallway. She stops at the door and turns to me and my siblings. "I'm takin you to Uncle Pauls not Matt!" 

She slams the door shut behind her. The door had so many holes punched in it there was really no point in calling it a door anymore. 

"Get in the car!" Matt ordered again walking out the door.

Chloe, Max and I all looked at each other but followed him anyway. I was the last one out the door. When I reach the steps, Matt has already started the car. Chloe is heading for the passenger seat and Max is going to sit behind her. 

As I open the car door, Momma comes storming out of the house.

"You aren't going anywhere!" she yells running down the steps.

"Get in the car Raven," Matt demands. Before I can get in, Matt locks the doors. This doesn't stop Momma. It merely infuriates her. 

"Open the door," Momma bangs on the door. 

"Stop acting crazy and go back inside." 

She started running around the car. Mat tells me to get in again, but I freeze. I don't know what to do. Momma rounds the corner coming for me. I turn to get in but Momma pushes me aside and jumps in the car with such force it shakes the car and slams the door shut. She started flailing her arms and hitting everything.

The car begin to shake back and forth. All I could do is stand there in shock. Matt and everybody else got out of the car. Matt goes back in the house with Momma yelling and screaming behind him. 

Without thinking, I bolt to the woods. I get just inside when I stop running. Why were they fighting about us going to see Uncle Paul? Then the realization hit me. They weren't fighting about us seeing him. Momma just wanted to throw a tantrum.

I know I need to go back. They may start looking for me or call me and I won't be there, so I return to the house. Chloe and Max are still outside sitting on the porch. I sit down next to them.

"We aren't going to Uncle Paul's are we?" Max ask.

Chloe shakes her head. "No, we aren't."  She gets to her feet and heads back in the house. 

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