Chapter 66

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Momma's and Matt's phone got shut off. I am sure that everyone knows why. Instead of using the money to pay the bills it is being put towards drugs. Momma and Matt have started "borrowing"mine. Grandmama and Papa got it for me when I was in seventh grade. I took it with me when I moved in with Momma and Matt.

At first it was completely mine, but as time goes on I have to start asking permission to use it. It is no longer mine. It was no longer in my room. It was no longer in my possession. My only life line to the outside world.  

 I started getting in trouble if I kept it in my room overnight. I made that mistake only once.

I was talking to my old friend on the phone in my bedroom. It is getting late. I can hear Matt yelling down the hallway.

"Where is the phone?"

"I'm on it!" I shout back. He comes into my room. His fist clenched.  

"Oh no you're not!" He stretches out his hand for the phone. I quickly tell my friend that I have to go. He snatches the phone out of my hand.

"It aint ever supposed to be in your room over night! You understand me," he waves the phone towards me as if to illustrate his point. 

"Okay," I whisper. He lefts my room without another word. It scared me more than I care to admit. I didn't want him to come back to my room for it again so I never did it again. 

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