Matt's Uncle is a decent man. He is nice and good to me. He doesn't cause trouble. Even though he is in his seventies, that doesn't stop him from smiling. He lost his house or something. I do not know the details, but I know he is coming to stay with us.
I have to clean my room. He is going to be staying in here. I will be moving into Chloe's room. I am not looking forward to it. Putting sister's in the same room is never a good idea.
Cleaning my room takes longer than I thought it would. It takes two days. Somehow I have accumulated a lot of paper. Like where did all this paper come from. It's like the paper volcano exploded. After everything is out, Uncle moves in.
It takes a lot of getting use to. Chloe and I have to share a bed and the same closet. She is always sick. She leaves dirty tissues in the bed. I hate sharing a bed with her. She stays up late talking to her boyfriend on the phone and call him really early in the morning. This doesn't bother me as much as you think it would. She isn't able to talk to him all the time because he leaves so far away. I understand this, so I really don't say anything about it.
Uncle gets up early in the morning. He sits down in the living room and watches Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. You know those shows you automatically seem to watch when you get older. We talk in the mornings. It is nice. Sometimes when I get up, Matt and Uncle are talking in living room and watching TV. Things are nice. Things are calm.
Not only is their no fighting but there is a steady income coming in. There is: Momma's disability, food stamps, government phone, Uncle's disability, Matt's unemployment, possibly his disability, the money he earned from odd jobs, child support from Daddy, and free medical care. That is a lot, but sadly we had nothing to show for it.
We were able to get good cable and a house phone but other than that there really wasn't that much. There was nothing in that house that was nice and yet, they were drawing so many checks.
One thing was very clear, most of what they were getting had to have been going to drugs. So much money and nothing to show for it? They sure enough weren't spending that money on car insurance, they had none, or on us.
They're just a bunch of junkies trying to raise three minors. Junkies can't have kids right? That is what DHR is for. That's why they come in and take kids away to another home.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...