Chapter 75

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"Ray," Matt calls from down the hall. "You can have your room back."

Confused I get off Chloe's bed and go into the living room. Uncle is staying in my room, isn't he. 

"Uncle's using it," I answer rounding the corner into the living room. I place my hand on the hallway wall and gently lean against it. 

"He's gone," Matt gritted through his teeth. "He ain't welcome here no more." He leans further back in his chair. 

Matt continued to spout nonsense about Uncle wronging us and how he was never to come back in the house. He was so mad at him and I still do not know as to what caused the falling out between them. I know that the good times are gone yet again. The somewhat peaceful existence that we had are going to leave too. Momma and Matt will soon be at each others throats again. 

At the same time, I am happy. I have my room back. I missed my room. I don't have to share with Chloe anymore. She was a bad roommate.  

When I moved back into my old room, I found a lot of old poems and things from the creative writing class I took with my friend. I got a stapler and stapled all of my poems to my walls. I thought it looked wonderful. By doing that, I thought it would cheer me up whenever I got sad. I would look at the poems and remember a happier time.

When I took the creative writing classes, I always sat next to my friend. We had become the best of friends. We met when we were in middle school, but we started really talking in the creative writing class. I use to take his cereal. I really liked being around him. It made the class better. 

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