Chapter 61

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It's dark outside. The waves crashing against the sand sound so wonderful. Nothing compares to the serenity of the beach. We were in town most of the day because Chloe decided that she wanted to get her belly button pierced. Everything was peaceful until Matt set her off, but they are okay now. Even if they weren't I wouldn't let them ruin this for me. This serenity. 

Max and I haven't been paying attention to the others. Chloe is with Matt, Momma, and their friend. Chloe is talking to Momma, one hand on the ground the other holding a beer. 

"I gotta go," their friend says.

"Why you gotta go? You just got here?" Momma questions. 

"I don't like it," he said.

"Don't like what?" Matt argued.

"You shouldn't give her alcohol. She's too young." 

Matt shrugs his shoulders and laughs. This starts an argument between the two ending with their friend leaving. After he left, Matt has nothing but hateful words for him. What a night to end our last. We have to leave in the morning and I know I don't have to say that I don't want to. I don't want to go home. I don't want to leave this. 

Morning comes quicker than I want it to. Within a blink of an eye, the car is packed and everyone is climbing in. Halfway home Max and I switch and I ride in the trunk for awhile. 

The whole trip was done on a whim without any sort of planning, but it was so much fun. That is up until the point Matt gave Chloe beer and their friend stormed off, but what can you do. If people want to fight one another they are going to fight.

Over the next few days, Momma and Matt bad mouth their friend. Clearly he is no longer their friend. They say he was always a bad friend and he doesn't know what he is talking about. 

I understand why he is upset. He was in AA and a recovering alcoholic. He thought Matt was a bad influence on Chloe, especially when he gave her alcohol. Chloe is only eighteen. I can't say I blame him for being upset. 

When Momma mother died, he went to the funeral. He was there for Momma. When he spoke his peace, Momma got upset. It just seems unfair.

He never came around us again. He never called or anything like that. It was kind of a bad end to their friendship. Although he was always there for Momma after Nana's death. He was Momma's friend and Matt's as well.  He was a good guy just trying to do the right thing.

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