Chapter 21

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"You're a piece of ____ Matt! Why did I ever marry you!" Momma screams.

"You know what you are? Know what you are? A ____! That's what!" Matt shouts back.

I could hear stomping. My guess is that it's Matt. 

"Get out of my house! I am sick of your hatting ___!"

"No! I ain't going no God ____ where! You can go but I am not!"

This is all he says. G.D this and G.D that. I am so sick of it.

I do all I can not to start crying. I sit up on my bed. They are supposed to love each other. I pull my legs up to my chest and start rocking back and forth, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me. The yelling....the screaming... all the stomping and the hits that I hear get to me yet again.

I look over to my nigh stand looking frantically looking for where I put IT.  My eyes finally meeting it. I picked up my razor and slowly bring it down to my legs. With one quick slice of the razor my legs are beginning to bleed. Within no time there are about thirty cuts on me.

I am just trying to get it to stop. I am trying to make the emotional pain go away. With one last cut I find that I cannot feel anymore. It was all gone, all the pain, hurt and unbearable feeling that nothing can help but this. I cannot even feel the pain in my legs.

I take the towel from the floor and gently place it to my legs. I don't want to stain my sheets. If there is blood everywhere then I might get caught. I can't get caught. Cutting is the only thing that makes it all go away.

The bleeding stopped. After it stopped, I throw the towel on the floor. I lie down on my bed and try sleep. I feel so much better. I am at peace in my head. Even their yelling and fighting doesn't bother me anymore. I just drift off into a peaceful sleep. 

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