The snotty girl will not leave Clair alone. I don't remember her name but she is one of those spoiled mean girls. You know those stereotypical mean girls you see in movies. I'm getting tired of her. I've had enough.
I sent the word around school that if she didn't leave Clair alone I would take her on. The word got around and soon the whole school knows I want to fight her.
The bell rings marking the end of sixth period. My attention focused on the little twit. I follow her to her locker.
"Hey!" I yell. "Why you gotta be such a ____?"
Her head turns around so fast. An argument ensues. As they usually do in these situations, things escalate. I throw my books down and my purse. The snotty girl pushes me. That is all I need. I rear my arm back and nail her right in the face. I had forgotten I had a pen in my hand.
Fist fly. Someone grabs me from behind and pulls me to the ground. The _____ jumped on top of me and started pulling my hair. I pulled hers back.
Somebody pulled her off of me and it was over. My eye started watering because she had hit me in it. She was yelling as she was pulled away into another room. She looked so stupid. As you would expect, we were both suspended. The funny thing is people thought I tried to stab her.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...