Momma would try to straighten Matt out. She didn't want him treating her like garbage or acting however he wanted around her. She tried to get him clean but the more Momma tried the worse things got.
Momma would throw him out, usually around night time, but he would waltz right back through the door later on. It happened so often that I lost count. He would act so nice. It was like we were all a family again. We would all laugh and joke around together. Momma smiled so big. She looked happy, but it wouldn't last. The next day he would be angry and hateful again.
One day it was different. Momma kicked him out and filed for a restraining order. I kept waiting for him to walk through the door. People don't understand that once you have been in a household like ours, you are constantly on edge. Every time the door opened I would jump up ready to run to my room. Every time someone dropped something I flinched.
At school it was the same. I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about whether he would be there when I got home or not. Is he really gone this time? If not when is he going to come back? Will he be in a bad mood? If so how bad will it be?
Days turned into nights. He still did not come home. Momma said he was never coming back. I believed her. I wanted to believe her. I had to believe her.
The air in the house changed. Everyone was so happy. Momma wasn't yelling or screaming with someone. I could sleep peacefully through the night. There was no fighting, physical or emotional. Matt was gone. We were finally rid of him. I felt like I could breathe again. Laugh and smile again.
I found myself letting my guard down. I could concentrate on school again. School passed just as quickly as it usually did. I couldn't wait to get home. Max and I got off the bus. Momma and Chloe had gone to the post office so it was just us.
Max and I were goofing off when we heard it. Matt's car pulling into the driveway.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...