Chapter 43

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It is late. The sun left us hours ago. The twinkling lights in the sky are faded from the flood light. Momma and Matt left some time ago leaving me alone with Chloe and Max. I was watching a movie on Lifetime. I love to watch these sort of movies. They remind me of simpler times. 

The sound of crunching gravel pulls my attention to the driveway. I get off the couch and make my way to the window. I expect to see Momma and Matt but it isn't. A strange van I have never seen before. The door to the van slides open. A woman, a man, and another man in a wheelchair exit. These people have to be on some hard core drugs. Anyone could tell by looking at them.

Even though Momma and Matt are not home, we let them in the house anyway. I record my movie. I know I will have to leave the room at some point in the evening. The show never recorded all the way through. Our uninvited company changed the channel. I finally finished watching it last year.  Those people were so disrespectful.

I couldn't wait for Momma and Matt to get home. I just couldn't. The sooner they came home, the sooner the junkies would leave. When they got home, however, they were a mess. They had been hitting each other while going down the road.

Momma's hair was badly messed up. It looked like she had been punched in the face. Matt and Momma started arguing back and forth. She turned to the people, apologized, and then went back to the bedroom with Matt.

I think that the woman was called back into their room. I am not sure because I walked back into my bedroom. I didn't want any part of whatever drug deal was going on.

The three people left a little while later. It was obvious that they were just junkies looking for stuff to get high off of and they got if from my very own family. They got it from the very place that I am supposed to call home. 

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