Ronan is nice to me. I can tell him anything. He keeps me sane and vice versa. All my friends do honestly, but I can tell Ronan about things I can't tell the others about, like stuff that is happening at home. He is always there for me no matte what. He is my best friend. I love him like a friend. We hung out around school whenever we could. We hung out at break with other friends.
One day during break, me and Ronan along with some other guys were all hanging out. Ronan had brought a stripper hat and gave it to me. I loved the hat. One of the guys made a suggestion. He said that I gather all the guys and tell them that I was going to throw the hat. I would kiss whoever caught the hat. I agreed.
I gathered all the guys. I turned around and threw it over my shoulders. Originally, someone else caught the hat but everyone started fighting over it. Ronan got it in the end. I was surprised. They were actually fighting for it.
Ronan was just standing there smiling at me. He walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. We were both happy.
We basically had an excuse to kiss each other. We both liked each other but we never got together while we were in school, sadly. We were still best friends though.
At school, they had dances. Sometimes we would go and just have a blast. They had dances about every six weeks. We would go with friends. Max and I would have a good time.
One day, we tried to start a mosh pit. It was me, Max, and the gang. We pushed and shoved each other, just playing around. It was merely a means of fun. We never got the mosh pit started, but it was fun trying and we all enjoyed it.
Everybody fist pumped and jumped around while the speakers blasted "Party like a Rock star." That was my favorite song. We would all run around and dance our hearts out. They let us go back to class about five minutes before school was let out.
I was hardly ever able to go because I had no money. Every time Max and I would ask for money Matt would always say," I don't have no money right now. I don't get paid till Wednesday." To Matt, Wednesday would never come even if it really was Wednesday.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...