"Do you want your gloves back?" I ask him when I see him. Our relationship is over and I have come to accept that. It took a long talk with myself and God, but I have accepted it.
He doesn't say anything. He stares at me. His eyes full of sadness, but why. He didn't care when I tried to explain things to him. He wouldn't even listen to my side. Why would he be sad?
He shakes his head. "No," he whispers.
I nod an okay and start to walk away, but he stops me by grabbing my hand. I turn my head to look at him.
"I'm sorry Ray," he whispers. I interlock my fingers in his and let him pull me back to him. He sits down on the bench and asks me to sit down next him. I do.
"I tried calling you," he doesn't look at me. He keeps his eyes on the concrete at our feet. I nod and squeeze my book bag tighter.
"The phone got shut off. Momma and Matt ran up the bill like it wouldn't happen," I fake a smile. He looks up at me but doesn't smile back. He knows I am merely pretending to shake it off. He knows I am tired.
"I'm sorry Ray. I was just shocked I guess that you would leave," he takes my hand again and squeezes it.
"Things are really bad. I can't do it anymore. I just can't," I wipe the tears away with my other hand. He wipes one away for me.
"Don't cry Ray. I hate it when you cry." I smile at him. We talk for a long time. We decide to give the long distance relationship a try which warms my heart. At least I am not losing him. I don't think I would have been able to do it. To lose my own Momma and my boyfriend in the same day.
If only I could say the same about my friends. News of my departure from the city spreads like wildfire. My relationship with a few of my friends were straining. Everyone is upset with me because I am moving. I am literally losing everything and no one seems to notice.
The struggle to keep my friendships and making me anxious. I feel as if I might have a panic attack. I can feel myself breaking. My mind and body are beginning to tire.
As I said earlier, things at home are getting worse. The closer the day of the move comes the worse it gets. Everyone only seems to be worried about themselves. Nobody even thinks about me. I am the one moving. I am the one losing everything.
When I saw my creative writing friend in the hallway, I tried to talk to him but I couldn't. He had to go to class. When I got to Spanish, I decided to write a note to one of my friends. It ended up being seven pages long. I told her how I felt, how things were at home, and lots of other things. When I was done writing the teacher took it up.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...