Chapter 26

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I'm sitting in the living room on the couch. The television is low. I can't hear it, but I don't want to turn it up. Matt will yell at me. He is already upset with Momma. They are arguing in the kitchen again. Anything sets them off. My eyes turn from the television to Momma and Matt. 

Momma grabs the numerous pill bottles from the window seal. She points to Matt with the bottle in her hand. 

"I'll do it!" You think I won't do it!" Momma yells shaking the bottles in his face. "I'll kill myself then you'll be sorry!" 

Momma storms out of the kitchen and down the hall with the bottles in her hands. She makes her way to their bedroom and slams her door shut. Matt marches after her. He tries to open the door but Momma has locked him out. 

"Open the door Selena!" Matt orders. He tries the door knob again but Momma has not done as he commanded. He starts banging on the door with his balled fist. "Open the door!" he yells again but Momma doesn't answer him.

I get off the couch and sprint down the hallway. Matt begins yelling obscene words to her but Momma pays him no mind. If she does I cannot hear her over Matt's yelling. The last thing I see before I close my door is Matt kicking the door in. I quickly close my door and put my block against it. I hurry to my bed and spread out across it.

I don't see how they live like this. No matter what I will never understand it. I never want to end up like them. This is not love. This is not a home. 

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