Max and Matt have been out in the yard working. Max doesn't want to. Mostly because the blisters on his hands are starting to get worse. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to be out there with Matt.
Matt's loud voice carries into the kitchen from the open front door. I hear a yelp from one of puppies. Max comes running inside, clearly upset.
"What are you doing inside?" Momma asks
"I think Matt just killed Loretta," Max says.
"She's fine," Matt says climbing up the stairs and into the house.
"You kicked her in the face and she fell over. She wet all over herself," Max snaps back.
She is just a baby. Nobody knows why he did that to her. A couple of months later Loretta died. She was hit by a car. She was young when she died.
Homer got his by a car for the third time but he died that time. Matt almost killed Lucky too. Lucky was a year old. I was in the kitchen. We were all doing our daily thing.
Lucky got under the house and Matt did not like it. He had choked him, kicked him, pounded him, and threw him out the back door. He was not moving. That poor dog was not moving. It was hard to see my baby like that.
Matt put the chain around his neck and it looked like he was going to kill him. I stood there stunned. I could do nothing but watch him. Matt kicked him a couple more times. Chloe ran to her room really pissed off that Matt would do that. Matt came inside and said that Lucky was not dead and said that he had to go.
I looked out the window. Lucky still had not moved. I was so angry at him I had to go to my room. The next day when I got to school I tried to get somebody to come get him. I told my friends. One of my friends said that he might come get him.
One of my friends eventually found somebody but Lucky never left. He is still skittish around Matt. Lucky would sometimes run to my room and jump up behind me for protection. He would jump in my lap. There was nothing I could do but comfort him. My poor dog, my poor baby.
Matt is a monster.

غير روائيRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...