Chapter 84

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Max and I spent weeks trying to avoid talking to Momma. We didn't want her yelling at us. When the phone rang I would jump. Every time I heard noise my mind automatically assume it was Momma coming to kidnap us and force us back to her house. 

Daddy shared our fears. He was worried she might drive up to the house and take us back without him there to protect us. Daddy didn't want us at home when we told her that we were not coming back to her house. We avoided talking to Momma the whole summer.

Summer came to a close. We realized that we had to tell her. Even though she knew we weren't coming back she needed to hear it from us. It wasn't right for us not to confirm it for her.

When she called the house, I answered. The conversation didn't last long. It was less than a minute. She asked me if I was going to live with Daddy now. I told her that I was and I wasn't coming back for awhile. She didn't care. At least that is how she came off to me. She said okay then hung up on me. 

It makes you feel like garbage. When your own mother acts like you and your siblings are evil incarnate. She said okay then hung up on me. No goodbye just a dial tone on the other end of the phone. Why is she like this? Why does she act like she want us then treat us like garbage? 

It isn't fair  to my siblings and me. It isn't fair to Daddy. On top of all this, my boyfriend and I broke up, again. He said he couldn't handle a long distance relationship. I kind of expected it after the conversation that we had and the way he acted. It was for the best really.

I start a new school soon. I went there when I was little. It will be good to see it and my old friends again. 

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