Chapter 1

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Screaming pierces my ears, bringing me out of a once peaceful sleep. They are fighting again. I know that everybody is awake by now. Barely a single night goes by without them constantly at each others throats. Horrible.....

Momma has tried to straighten him out but it seems that the more she tries, the more they fight. Hours pass until the fighting finally stops. It is hard to go back to sleep. It's always hard.

The dawn breaks outside my window, still no sleep. We all get up for school and begin getting ready. As I come out of my room, I notice a hole in the wall. I can tell what happened last night.

The house is destroyed. As I round the corner, I see Momma sitting in the chair. She has bruises on her arm. Matt is sitting in the other chair with cuts all along  his face, like Momma tried to scratch him.

We go on as if nothing is wrong. It is but another day in my household. I don't want all my friends to know that something is wrong so I put on my fake smile and go about the day.

I have only told one person in my circle what has been happening and that is Ronan. I know that at home my sister, Chloe would protect us if it ever came to that point but here I am an outcast. Hatted for who I am and what I am not. It is because I am different. I am around goths. This is my crowd.

Life is hard where ever I go. No matter where I go or what I do people spit on me and my friends. We are hated. I hate most people. People have let me down over and over again.

I was always an outcast. They threw food at me during lunch. They even threw crap at me during class, all because of what I chose to wear and who I chose as friends. I began to isolate myself.

You never know who that stranger next to you will do. I usually don't let people that close to me. I only allow people that I know I can trust close to me. I usually know who I can and cannot trust.

People just give off a vibe. There are peoplethat I thought I could trust to an extent, but I knew I could not trust themcompletely. It turned that I was right about them, so I saved myself a little bit. Don't rely on others to save you. You must be able to save yourself. 

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