"You'll get it back when you can behave!" Matt yells. He has a box in his hands. Inside are the Wii and all it's fixtures. Games, controls, and anything else that went with it. Days turn into weeks. Weeks into months. Nothing Max does is good enough for them. He cannot get out of their bad graces. He is grounded. He was never ungrounded.
"Where do you think they put it?" Max asks me.
"I don't know. We will look when Momma and Matt leave," I promise him. Momma and Matt leave soon after out conversation. As soon as we are sure that they are gone Max makes a break for their room. He starts looking in every place he thinks it could be and I join him. We look in all the drawers, next to their mattress, in their bathroom and anywhere else we could think of. We don't find it.
"What are yall doin?" Chloe asks stopping in the door way.
"Tryin to find the Wii." Max answers closing the drawer to the nightstand.
Chloe's posture changes. She looks down the hallway to the front door. "You're not going to find it. They pawned it."
Max and I both stop what we are doing and merely stare at her.
"Why," Max asks.
"Why do you think Max," Chloe snaps, "To get high." She storms back down the hallway.
They pawned it for drug money. They took the games, Wii, remotes, everything. Two people pawned it just so that they can continue to buy drugs and alcohol that they so desperately wanted.
They stole from a thirteen year old kid. What kind of parents will do that? You don't buy your child something and six months later take it back because you "grounded" your child and sell it. You don't do that. It's messed up on so many levels.
It was his. Sure they bought it, but once they gave it to Max it became his. It wasn't theirs anymore. Only one game manages to escape and that is our Bleach game. I bought the Bleach game. We still have it, we saved it. I guess to preserve the memory that we had playing it. We both knew that it would never be played again but we still hoped.
Whenever you go to a pawn shop, be aware that something in there was probably stolen from a child, like our Wii. I hope it brings someone the same amount of joy it brought us.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...